  • 學位論文


The effect of appeal and modality in TV-shopping program.

指導教授 : 練乃華


電視購物在台灣日趨普遍,電視購物頻道也由原本單一集團增加為三個集團,而對於頻道業者而言,如何在龐大的市場商機之中佔有一席之地是目前最重要的課題,要能吸引消費者注意並且激發起購買慾望,在電視購物節目本身必須有所調整,節目的訴求種類以及呈現方式常被認為是引起消費者購買慾望的原因之一,然而尚無學術研究結果證實電視購物節目訴求類型以及呈現方式對於觀眾對產品態度、廣告態度以及購買意願之直接關係。 本研究即是針對電視購物頻道中之訴求種類、呈現方式對觀眾之影響,並且以產品種類為調節變數,運用實驗設計的方式,藉以了解各個實驗操弄變項對於觀眾態度及購買意願之影響,並且討論一致性以及生動性的中介效果。實驗操弄的變數為廣告訴求(理性訴求、感性訴求)、呈現方式(圖文視覺、口語傳遞)、產品種類(思考型、情感型),共有8組不同的電視購物影片,實驗結果如下: 1. 廣告訴求與產品種類有交叉關係。觀眾收看思考型產品搭配理性訴求之節目或者情感型商品搭配感性訴求之節目將會有較高的產品態度、廣告態度及購買意願。 2. 廣告訴求與呈現方式有交叉關係。觀眾收看理性訴求之節目搭配口語傳遞的呈現方式或是感性訴求之節目搭配圖文視覺的呈現方式將會有較高的產品態度、廣告態度及購買意願。 3. 生動性為廣告訴求與呈現方式之交叉關係對廣告態度之中介變數。


In recent years, TV-shopping is becoming popular. The acceptance of consuming through TV channel now is much higher than that in past years. Lured by the huge potential market and revenue of TV-shopping market, many enterprises are interested in the growing market. As the result, the TV-shopping industry was expanded both in numbers of channels and number of enterprises. How to attract audiences’ attention and evoke their purchase intention is the most significant issue. Appeal and modality of the TV-shopping program are considered as some of the most factors which will affect audiences’ attitude and intention. However, we can hardly find the research about the topic. In this research, we examine the effect of appeal in TV-shopping program with the moderating roles- modality and product type. Finally, we also try to find out the mediators in those interact effects. This experiment manipulated three variables: appeal in TV-shopping program (rational appeal/ emotional appeal), presentation format (visual/ auditory), and product type (thinking/ feeling). We can conclude the results as follow: 1. There is interact effect between appeal and product type. Audiences watching TV-shopping programs introducing thinking products with rational appeal or feeling products with emotional appeal will have higher purchase intention and more positive attitudes toward both the program and the product. 2. There is interact effect between appeal and modality. Audiences watching rational appeal program with audio modality or emotional appeal program with visual modality will have higher purchase intention and more positive attitudes toward both the program and the product. 3. Vividness is the mediator of the interact effect between appeal and modality to attitude toward program.


appeal modality product type


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