  • 學位論文


A Study on the Deployment of Enterprise Business Process Management – An Insurance Company Case Study

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


本研究是以保險公司作為企業作業流程管理系統(Business Process Management)導入的研究對象。除了說明BPM系統本身的定義、組成及生命週期外;更進行以管理層面出發,有關企業BPM系統導入之影響因素的探討、績效指標的評估、及其關係與影響程度的研究;包括系統導入的方法、程序、步驟;系統導入的時機選擇及適當時間;系統導入對組織及作業流程的改變;系統導入的關鍵成功因素;BPM與ERP系統導入之比較等。並以個案人壽保險公司,針對系統導入的成本分析、目標效益、衡量標準、及績效展現等進行說明。除此,也針對「系統導入程序」、「績效展現與時間因素」、及「系統導入與建置關鍵影響因素」等問題,進行內部及外部機構的問卷調查。最後,針對個案公司BPM系統導入前後的績效進行比較分析,並且根據外部機構問卷調查的結果,與個案公司的BPM系統導入的實際經驗,進行比較與差異分析,提出本研究的結論與建議。 本研究文獻探討有關BPM系統導入的步驟、階段、方法、及個案公司採用之系統導入程序之觀念導入、策略導入、系統導入、組織導入、習慣導入等優先順序,都可作為企業BPM系統導入,在「如何進行的決策上」的參考資訊;因為程序與方法的選擇,影響策略執行的結果。針對系統導入時機的文獻探討,及個案公司因外部客戶服務的競爭,及內部作業流程更佳化的要求,進行BPM系統導入之案例,都存在「何時進行的決策上」的重要說明;畢竟,時間點的選擇,影響專案推動的效益。關鍵成功因素及組織改變之文獻探討,及問卷調查之影響因素的設計,均提供「那些因素在執行上」的重大考量。本研究在BPM系統導入的績效展現部份,尤其在人壽保險系統導入利益之文獻探討,及個案公司之績效目標和衡量標準的設定,與問卷調查之績效展現與時間因素的設計,和問卷回覆分析,均對BPM系統導入所帶來的績效,提供參考價值。 BPM系統導入與建置是一個持續而且冗長的過程;需要金錢、時間與人力的投資,也是公司營運策略的焦點,牽涉到作業、組織、人員及科技使用的調整與互動關係;它需要經歷一系列的討論、準備與適當方法的使用,才能啟動進行與到達目標。可說是一個有關決策、程序、管理、溝通、執行、適應、檢討及價值實現的統合活動,也是企業中作業與管理總體表現的一項指標,亦可以充份反應公司的價值與競爭力。期待本研究的文獻探討、個案說明及問卷調查分析,可以提供企業營運作業流程導入的比較分析與參考資訊。


This paper looks at the deployment of Business Process Management(BPM) in an insurance company. In addition to defining BPM, its components, and its life cycle, this paper also analyze the factors affecting BPM deployment, at evaluating key performance indicators, and at the interrelationship between the abovementioned effects and indicators, and their level of interrelationship, from a management-level perspective. This paper includes an analysis of system deployment methods, stages of deployment, steps of deployment, proper timing for deployment, the changes to an organization and its processes, key success factors, and a comparison of BPM and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system deployment. Further, this paper uses an insurance company as a case study to describe cost-effective analysis, target benefits, metrics, and performance realization, for a BPM deployment. Moreover, internal and external surveys were also conducted on the stages, on the performance realization and time considerations, and on the key influencing factors, for system deployment. In addition, an analysis of performance before and after BPM deployment at the case study company was also completed. Finally, this research compared the case study company's system deployment experience with that of other companies, based on surveys collected from those other companies, and then ends with final conclusions and suggestions. The literature review conducted for this paper on BPM deployment steps, methods, and stages, as well as the specific deployment phases and priorities adopted by the case study company, can both serve as reference information for a company considering how to strategically execute a BPM deployment. It is clear that the stages and methods adopted for a BPM deployment will affect BPM strategy outcomes. A literature review of BPM deployment timing, combined with the case study company's BPM deployment in reaction to external customer service competition and internal process optimization needs, reveals insights on the best time to initiate a BPM deployment. Ultimately, proper timing affects the efficiency of a BPM deployment. Another literature review of key success factors and organizational changes, along with a survey conducted by this paper's author on factors affecting BPM deployment, provide considerable information about what should be given most attention during the execution of a BPM project. BPM performance realization information collected from a literature review focusing on benefits derived from BPM deployment in an insurance company, the target benefits and metrics set by the company in the case study, and a survey conducted on, and subsequent analysis of, performance realization in other companies, can serve as valuable resources for a company to use when evaluating the performance of a BPM deployment. BPM deployment and implementation is a long and continuous process. In addition to requiring an investment of money, time, and manpower, BPM is ultimately and integral part of a company's operational strategy and focus that involves adjustments to processes, organization, people, and technologies, and their interrelationships. Only after a series of discussions, preparations, and method adoptions, can a project begin and goals subsequently be achieved. BPM is an activity that combines strategy, procedure, management, communication, execution, adjustment, improvement, and value realization. Moreover, a BPM's successful implementation, or lack thereof, can serve as a performance indicator for a company's processes and management, and can fully reveal the company's value and competitiveness. It is also expected that the literature reviews, case study, and survey analyses conducted for this paper can provide a useful comparison analysis and serve as important reference information for future BPM deployments.


Business Process Management BPM


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