  • 學位論文


Asia Market Expansion and Business Strategy of Commercial Banks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊文議


隨著台灣銀行業務發展日臻成熟,台灣銀行之間的競爭也變得越來越激烈、在殺價競爭情況之下往往使得原本就已很低的利差更被壓縮。在這樣的環境之下,銀行主管機關持續鼓勵台資銀行前往海外佈局、進而賺取更高的利差、拓展新的獲利來源,因而本研究便產生動機藉由學術研究,提供業界完整的海外佈局觀點。過去針對「銀行海外佈局」相關主題的學術論文,多半透過計量實證研究的方式進行研究,然而礙於量化資料取得不易及資料詮釋受限,因此往往研究結果較不易被實務運用。本研究使用質性研究的方式,訂定涵蓋範圍較大的主題,前半部分探討整體台資銀行的海外經營邏輯,後半部分選定32間台資銀行,並分為五個策略群組,再對不同的策略群組中的台資商業銀行之海外佈局(針對亞洲)與經營策略提出建議。 前半部分本研究透過深度訪談法,請益5位台資銀行海外業務相關的高階主管,據以獲得高質量的訪談研究資料,進而歸納以下四個架構: (1) COPFO五因子架構 (COPFO為Culture/Organization/People/Financial Status and Scale/Overseas Branches Operations Status之英文字首縮寫):包括「核心理念、組織運作、領導與人才、銀行財務體質與規模、海外分支機構經營現況」五個因子,做為辨別台資銀行海外競爭優劣勢的根據。 (2) PESTIC六因子架構(PESTIC為Political/Economic/Social/Technological/ Industrial competition/Customers之英文字首縮寫):包括「政治、經濟、社會、科技、當地銀行競爭、顧客」6個因子,可以做為分析海外經濟體對台資銀行來說相對吸引力程度的根據。 (3) OBGC架構 (Oversea Branches Growth Cycle架構,簡稱為OBGC架構,中文稱為「海外分支機構循環成長」架構):探討公司層級、事業體層級、與功能層級的策略。 (4) BIGEBS架構 (Banking Industry Global Expansion & Business Strategy架構,簡稱為BIGEBS架構,中文稱為「銀行產業國際擴張與經營策略架構」):綜合前三個架構,本研究歸納並提出一個銀行可以評估自身海外競爭優劣勢、分析各經濟體相對吸引力、以及訂定各層級經營策略的簡易邏輯架構。 後半部分本研究首先利用COPFO架構將台資銀行分為5個策略群組做探討。接著以質性結合量化的「關聯矩陣法」,利用PESTIC各因子分析本研究選定的15個經濟體對於台資銀行的相對吸引力EPA數值(EPA為Economy Portfolio Analysis之縮寫,中文稱為「經濟體組合分析」),發現香港、中國、新家坡是對於台資銀行來說較具吸引力的3個經濟體。最後,本研究認為策略群組1「邁向區域型佈局」之銀行可進入多數經濟體經營、並評估以子行方式進入;策略群組2「服務客戶導向型」之銀行可持續強化各地分行之經營;策略群組3「海外佈局起步者」之銀行可以專注於開拓具吸引力的中國與香港之銀行業務;策略群組4「精品型國際佈局」之銀行除穩固具吸引力的經濟體業務外,也可評估進入對於台資銀行來說具有中高吸引力的經濟體,如:新加坡與日本;策略群組5「無任何海外佈局」之銀行則建議須專注於台灣目前的業務為主。


Banking Industry in Taiwan were more mature these years, so banks faced more intensive competition so as to cause lower margin interest rate. Under this situation, FSC (Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C.) keeps encouraging banks going abroad to open branches that could create alternative new sources of net income. Thus, this paper provides banks comprehensive views of oversea expansion logic through academic research approach. Previous papers that related to “banking industry global expansion” mostly involved quantitative method. However, because some quantitative data are difficult to require and data explanation are limited, research insights are usually difficult to be implemented by banks. This paper utilized qualitative approach, generalizing global expansion logical structure for local banks in Taiwan in the first half section, and analyzing 32 local banks and 15 economies in the second half section. Finally, this paper provided global expansion and business strategies for local banks in Taiwan. In the first half section, this paper consulted 5 senior managers of local banks in Taiwan whose career were related to global business, so as to inquired high quality opinions, and then generalizing the following 4 logical structures: (1) COPFO five factors, which are used to distinguish global expansion advantages of local banks in Taiwan (Culture, Organization, People, Financial Status and Scale, Overseas Branches Operations Status); (2) PESTIC six factors, which are used to analyses the attractiveness of overseas economies (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Industrial, and Customer); (3) OBGC (Oversea Branches Growth Cycle) structure, which formulates strategies including corporate level, business level, and function level; (4) BIGEBS (Banking Industry Global Expansion & Business Strategy Structure), which combined the above three structures and summarized a structure for banks to evaluate internal oversea expansion advantages, to research on external oversea economies, and to formulate expansion strategies for each levels. In the beginning of second half section, this paper implemented COPFO structure to divide local banks in Taiwan into 5 “Strategic Groups”. Then, PESTIC structure and relational matrix analysis are considered to calculate the relative attractiveness index, so called “Economy Portfolio Analysis (EPA)” value, for 15 economies. According to the results, this paper inferred that Hong-Kong, China, and Singapore are Top three attractive economies to local banks in Taiwan. Finally, this study provided several suggestions for local banks in Taiwan. “Strategic Group 1: Becoming Regional Bank Group” could enter most of economies and establish subsidies. “Strategic Group 2: Serving Internationalized Customers Oriented Group” should focus more on branches. “Strategic Group 3: Oversea Expansion Beginner Group” could try to set up oversea office of branches at “highly attractive” economies such as Hong-Kong or China. “Strategic Group 4: Boutiques Oversea Expansion Group” could evaluate if entering “medium-highly attractive” economies such as Japan and Singapore besides focusing on “high attractive” business. “Strategic Group 5: No Oversea Business Group” should focus on local banking business in Taiwan.


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