  • 學位論文


Discussion on common bioethics and related controversies of genetic testing.

指導教授 : 李素華


在現今生物科技技術的進步下,許多興新的技術出現,改變了人們對於疾病、醫療、預防及健康生活的想法。二十一世紀也為基因體的時代,在2003年完成了第一個人類基因譜定序初稿後,對於人類基因體的相關研究也更多方面的展開。相同的對於基因定序的技術也持續改進,自2005年所開發之新型定序技術「次世代定序」的出現也大大的提升了對大量DNA定序的效率也大幅降低了定序成本,而高通量低成本的技術出現直接推動了基因檢測技術及產業的發展。 基因檢測所涵蓋之項目廣泛,更是精準醫療中重要的一環,可以幫助我們檢測出可能的致病基因並提早預防,防範我們對特別的藥物過敏,提早檢測出可能帶有先天性疾病的胎兒。但其所衍生之爭議也相當多,自90年代複製羊桃莉的出現開啟了一連串對生命倫理的討論,CRISPR基因編輯技術的出現是否可以人類自行編譯基因,胚胎著床前基因診斷得運用是否讓我們可以在生育前就選擇下一代的特徵性狀,我們是否已經為我們的下一代先設計好了其所該具有的基因即決定其社會階級地位,再受試者加入基因檢測或基因研究計畫時我們的檢體資料是否有被妥善保存及運用,我們的隱私權是否有被妥善保護。 透過上述可以看出基因檢測在是一個相當重要的議題,其帶出的是有助於人類福祉的發展,同時也連帶產生了許多生命倫理的挑戰,而在基因技術持續發展的時代,那些衍生的問題是我們該去反思,而在未來的法律制度下又該如何取得平衡,實是需要高度探討的議題。


With the advancement of current biotechnology technology, many new technologies have emerged, which have changed people's thinking about diseases, medical treatment, prevention, and healthy living. The 21st century is also the era of the genome. After the first draft of the sequencing of the human gene profile was completed in 2003, more researches on the human genome have also been carried out. The same technology for gene sequencing has also been continuously improved. Since the emergence of the new sequencing technology "Next Generation Sequencing" developed in 2005, the efficiency of sequencing a large amount of DNA has also been greatly reduced, and the cost of sequencing has been greatly reduced. The emergence of high-throughput and low-cost technologies has directly promoted the development of genetic testing technology and industry. Genetic testing is a very important issue. What it brings out is to contribute to the development of human well-being. At the same time, it also produces many bioethical challenges. In the era of continuous development of genetic technology, those derived problems are what we should To reflect, and how to achieve a balance under the future legal system is a topic that needs to be discussed in a high degree.


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4. 歐盟個人資料保護規則本文部分。https://www.ndc.gov.tw/Content_List.aspx?n=F98A8C27A0F54C30
5. 人工生殖法,民國 107 年 01 月 03 日。https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0070024
