  • 學位論文


Women Image In Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Literature

指導教授 : 陳明姿


芥川龍之介的一生可說是和「女性」有著密不可分的關聯性,芥川的生母在他還很小的時候便發了瘋,因此只能將芥川交給養母和姨媽養育。雖然還是有得到長輩的疼愛,不過對於缺乏母愛的芥川而言,對「母親」的印象在一開始是抗拒的。此外,在愛情方面,除了妻子塚本文之外,芥川和吉田彌生、秀しげ子以及片山廣子之間的一段情,更是被眾人廣為討論著。 而芥川除了在實際生活中和女性有所關聯外,在他的作品中,以女性人物為主題的亦不在少數。本論文將從芥川初期∼後期的重要作品中來探討芥川龍之介文學中的女性形象,並且將作品中的女性形象分為「女孩形象」「妻子形象」「母親形象」三個部分來討論。究竟,在不同的階段中,這些作品中的女性人物會產生什麼形象以及異同點呢?另外,是否如先行研究所言,芥川作品中的女性形象是惡屬性、負面的,抑或是能夠找出其正面的女性形象呢?這些都是本論文要探討的重點。 考察後發現,在「芥川文學中的女孩形象」此章節中,幾乎都是表現出女生天真、純潔、無私等等的正面形象。而在「芥川文學中的妻子形象」此章節中,則多是表現出妻子的淫蕩、不貞等形象,芥川會將作品中的妻子形象塑造成負面的,大概跟他對於身為人妻的秀しげ子產生的女性厭惡有所關聯,儘管如此,除了妻子形象較負面之外,芥川作品中還是有不少正面的女性形象。另外在「母親形象」方面,藉由初期∼後期作品中母親形象的轉變,正好能將芥川在現實生活中對於母親的印象從初期的抗拒、抑制到後期的母親思慕、歌誦母親之轉變投影出來。經由本論文的探討,相信能將芥川龍之介對於女性形象的觀點以及其作品中所呈現出的女性面向,做出更深入的分析。


Ryunosuke Akutagawa has inseparable relations with women in his whole life. His mother got insane in his early childhood. He was raised up by his foster mother and his aunt. Even he could get love from these elders, he still lacks love from his birth mother. To him, a resisted image to “mother” was planted in his mind in the beginning. For love emotion, besides affection with his wife Fumi Tsukamoto, tender passion with Yayoi Yoshida, Shigeko Hide, Hiroko Katayama were also widely discussed among the public. Besides connections with women in daily life, Ryunosuke uses “ women” as topics for writing. This paper will study “ Women Image” in Ryunosuke’s works from early stage to later stage. Separating Women Image into “ Girl Image “ , “ Wife Image “ , “Mother Image” for discussion. In different stages, what images were caused by heroines in creations ? Are there common or different points among these images ? Or as previous scholar’s statement, women images in Ryunosuke’s works are negative ? Can positive images being found ? Above contentions are essential points which this essay will be emphasized on. After studying, in chapter “Girls Image In Ryunosuke’s Literature”, almost all girls show their pure , unselfish … positive images in writings. On the other hand, in chapter “ Wife Images In Ryunosuke’s Literature” ,wives in stories being described as lascivious, unchaste. It probably bases on a Shigeko Hide who caused Ryunosuke’s black thoughts. However, there are lots of positive women images in creations which are un-deniable, either. For “Mother Image In Ryunosuke’s Literature”, change of mothers’ images from early to later stage can reflect Ryunosuke’s mind to his real mother which is from resistance , restraint to missing , praise . Believing readers can realize more for the topic “Women Image In Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Literature “ through the essay by deeper analysis.


芥川龍之介(1968)  『芥川龍之介全集7』、角川書店、1968年6月
芥川龍之介(1986)  『芥川龍之介全集1』、筑摩書房、1986年9月
芥川龍之介(1986)  『芥川龍之介全集2』、筑摩書房、1986年10月
芥川龍之介(1986)  『芥川龍之介全集3』、筑摩書房、1986年12月
