  • 學位論文


The Legislative Transformation of Taiwan’s Criminal Justice and Human Rights System After Democratization

指導教授 : 翁岳生 邱榮舉


在台灣的刑事法制發展歷程中,雖憲法有關人民之自由與權利作了相當進步地規定。然因受到執政黨黨國威權統治與戒嚴體制的強力干預,憲法有關保障人身自由與權利的刑事司法體制,實際上都在意識型態下一直被封存、冷藏。直到1987年解嚴之後,在全球第三波政治民主化的浪潮與保障人權的大纛下,才進行一場法律體制與法治思想的轉型革命。 然而,強人逝去,威權轉型,並不表示作為國家統治與社會控制工具之刑罰法律會式微或消失,有時反而轉型成為更細密、更全面、更技術性的社會控制。因此,本文試圖先經由福科的權力系譜學角度,嘗試性分析自解嚴前後台灣社會有關個人自由法律權力的配置在刑事法制上的變化。 甚者,即令在1993年2月1日起國會全面改造後的台灣,雖已進入民主法治的新紀元。然在各種政經勢力仍不斷持續消長、衝突、妥協的過程中,權力仍無所不在且流竄於社會結構中,並意在鞏固統治合法性與社會安定性。因之,有必要檢視代表全體選民意志與福祉之立法院,在司法改革特別是刑事人權法制所扮演之角色與實際之功能。 其次,在所有的法律中,刑事訴訟法最能與國家的型態、社會的結構、時代文化與價值觀緊密結合。而在台灣的刑事法制,尤其是刑事審判體制與訴訟法的程序特質無疑是體現刑法罪刑法定主義,實現公平正義的首要工具。 因之,從過去大法官會議有關刑事人權之重要解釋羈押與拘提、搜索及扣押、通訊自由、二二八事件處理及賠償條例與立法院制定或修正法律之立法過程即可明瞭其背景、轉折與問題。 而台灣刑事審判體制,在引入近代西方法制後司法文化之形塑影響著當時與其後人民對司法之依賴。而攸關刑事審判體制的四項重大變革:(1)審檢分隸。(2)司法院審判機關化。(3)改良式當事人進行主義。(4)軍事審判法之修正,更反應著過去台灣刑事審判體系不論軍事審判、普通法院審判,未能發揮保障人權,實現公平正義,並獲得人民之高度信賴之結構性因素。


Taiwan’s Constitution, implemented in 1947, clearly defined the rights and freedoms of the people. The implementation of these rights and freedoms, especially those concerning the criminal justice system, was under the sway of the KMT’s authoritarian regime and martial law which meant they were not realized. It was not until martial law was lifted in 1987, as part of the third wave of global democratization that the legal system began to undergo a transformation. Using criminal laws as social control measure, however, does not disappear with the death of a dictator or the removal of an authoritarian regime. Instead, this practice is changed into a more subtle and pervasive form of social control. On February 1, 1993, Taiwan ushered in a new era of democracy when all the legislators were elected by the people in Taiwan and the Legislative Yuan instituted structural changes. These changes did not, however, fully promote the rights of the people. Due to different political and economical forces experienced conflict, and then negotiated and compromised; legitimacy of the ruling class and the social stability were more emphasized. Examining the criminal justice system’s response to human rights issues, the Legislative Yuan, the representative of people’s will and welfare, had apparently failed to fulfill its duty. The criminal justice, among other laws, is most closely related to social structure, and contemporary culture and values. The criminal justice system and litigation procedures are undoubtedly the embodiment of criminal justice legalism; they are also the primary tool to practice justice. To better understand the background, transformation and problems of the criminal justice system, we can take a look at the grand justice’s interpretation on the criminal justice system, human rights, detention, arrest, search, seizure, and communication freedom, and at the laws enacted or modified by the Legislative Yuan. Taiwan’s criminal justice system laid a strong foundation in the transformation and shaping of the legal culture and in the cultivation of legal professionals after the introduction of Western legal system in the Japanese Reign era. However, the interference and manipulation of the authoritarian regime resulted in the collapse of legal discipline; the consequences of this collapse continue to affect the people’s trust in the legal system. There are four major reform measures (e.g., administration separation between judges and prosecutors, institutionalization of Judicial Yuan, criminal procedure reform toward adversary principle, military criminal procedure reform) that reveal the failure of both the military and civil judicial systems to protect human rights or to dispense justice and account for the people’s mistrust of the judicial system.


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