  • 學位論文


Early Sexual Initiation and Adolescent Emotional/Behavioral Problems: A National Survey in High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳為堅
共同指導教授 : 簡國龍


背景與目的: 近年來,青少年性行為逐漸被視為發育過程中正常的行為表現,然而,早期的性行為由於伴隨著健康風險的提升往往被認為是問題行為。本研究目的為探討青少年早期性行為之社會人口學特徵、生活事件、以及情緒/行為問題之相關。 方法:自2005年與2006年使用多階段隨機群集抽樣收集方式之全國青少年非法藥物使用調查之在校樣本36485,選取16-19歲完成問卷項目之社會人口特徵、精神成癮性物質使用經驗、成長相關行為 (性行為與逃學) 、 並且使用中文版青少年自陳量表 (Youth Self Report) 來測量行為問題高一與高三生共19,825人 ,再者,將發生性行為的青少年分為二類:早發性行為 (VESI: 性行為第一次年齡為16歲以上) 與非常早發性行為 (ESI: 性行為第一次年齡為15歲以下),並依性別與年級分類分析。 利用效應值去檢視性經驗與青少年的情緒/問題行為問題之相關強度; 此外,考量個體在回答情緒/問題行為問題時可能存在的相依關係,本研究進一步利用GLM/GEE分析方式探討性經驗與青少年情緒/問題行為問題。 結果:1,685 (8.63%) 高中生回答有過性經驗,其中三分之一屬非常早發發性經驗。擁有高零用金、工作經驗、 翹課經驗與物質用經驗有較高的風險出現早期性行為,來自於單親家庭女生與有較高的比例有早期性行為。相對於無性經驗的同儕,非常早發性行為的青少年在外化情緒/行為問題的分數最高,其次是早發性行為者 。然而,性行為者的畏縮行為問題與社交問題分數顯示低於無性經驗者。將性別納入考量後, 10th與12th有過性經驗的高中女生回答較高憂慮/焦慮與身體病痛主訴徵狀,此外,12th年級的女生有顯著較高注意力集中問題。 結論:鑑別與青少年性行為相關之重要社會與心理行為因子將可以作為輔助發展預防計劃,以降低早期性經驗對於青少年的心理上可能造成的負面影響。


Introduction: Adolescent sexuality is a developmentally normative phenomenon, yet initiation of sexual intercourse at younger age is generally considered problematic leading to increased risks (e.g. unintended pregnancy). The aim of this study was to investigate whether early sexual debut was associated with emotional/behavioral problems and the trends varied by gender. Methods: A national sample of youth was recruited via stratified, multistage, random cluster sampling employed by National Survey of Illegal Drug Use among Adolescents (NSIDA) in 2005 and 2006 in Taiwan (N=36,485). The present study focused on 19,825 10th and 12th grade students aged 16-19 completing data on socio-behavioral characteristics, substance-use experience, developmental-related behaviors (sexual experience and truancy), and emotional/behavioral problems covered by Youth Self Report. Next, sexual experienced adolescents were classified as early sexual initiators (ESI) or very early sexual initiators (VESI) according to age at first sex, and further analyses were done by gender and grade/year in high school, respectively. Using effect size to calculate the strength of association linking sexual experience to adolescent emotional/behavioral problems. Given the possibility of interdependencies within individual’s response to emotional/behavioral syndromes, we applied multivariate GLM/GEE analysis to examine the relationship of sexual experience and emotional/behavioral problems. Results: 1,634 (8.63%) reported ever having sexual experienced, of which one third reported VESI. Having a job, a large weekly allowance, truancy and substance use experience were at heighted risk of initiating sexual behavior before or during high school years. Girls coming from single-parent family were more likely to report sexual initiation very early. Relative to sexually naive adolescents, group of VESI scored the highest in externalizing problems, and followed by group of ESI. The lower scores appeared in Withdrawn and Social Problems for both sexually experienced groups. To consider gender difference, both 10th and 12th grade girls reported sexual initiation showed lower greater risks of Anxious/Depressed and Somatic Complaints, additionally, 12th grade girls reported VESI exhibited significantly increased risk of Attention Problems. Conclusions: Identification of important social and psycho-behavioral factors related to adolescent sexual experience may guide the effort to develop preventive programs aiming to reduce possible negative impact of sexual experience on a range of life-related and psychobehavioral problems.


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