  • 學位論文


The fabrication of PANI nanofibers/Ag composite

指導教授 : 廖文彬


本論文主要探討如何利用某些條件來控制聚苯胺的型態,我們利用三種方式:第一,調整過硫酸銨與苯胺單體間的比例,控制過硫酸根自由基的量,使聚苯胺出現有趨勢性的型態變化;第二,加入硝酸銀一起參與聚合反應,將對聚苯胺型態有所影響;第三,在不同的聚合時間,聚苯胺在各階段有不同的形態與變化趨勢。 其次,我們使用兩種不同型態之聚苯胺當作還原銀金屬之基地,藉由兩者的導電度與化學結構上之差異,將使還原出之銀金屬的量以及型態各自不同。 最後,我們藉由一次性加入硝酸銀、苯胺單體、過硫酸銨,進行一步驟合成與還原反應。除了造成聚苯胺型態上的變化以外,我們認為銀的還原反應可能與聚苯胺的聚合同時進行,形成聚苯胺纖維與銀金屬之複合材料。


This research focused on how to take advantage of certain conditions to control the morphology of polyaniline , we use three ways: first, adjusting the ratio between the APS /Aniline, control the amount of sulfate radical, so that the polyaniline appear the morphological changes of the trend; by adding silver nitrate to the polymerization, polyaniline will generate the morphological changes; at different polymerization time polyaniline appears different forms and morphologies. We use two different morphologies of polyaniline to reduce the silver metal by the differences between the conductivity and chemical structure, which will result in different amount and morphologies of silver metal. Finally, we utilize one-pot synthesis reactions by one-time mixing of silver nitrate, aniline and APS to fabricate the PANI nanofibers/Ag composite. In addition to causing changes in the polyaniline morphologies, we believe that the reduction reaction of silver may be related to the polymerization at the same time.


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