  • 學位論文


Anti-Structure and Decompose:The Multiple Genders of Queer Tango in Buenos Aires

指導教授 : 王梅霞


布宜諾市19世紀末所孕生的探戈舞蹈,是現代阿根廷文化的源頭之一,了解探戈的演進過程,得以窺見阿根廷近代政治歷史的發展。阿根廷在1983年過後,進入民主憲政時期,為當代的同志運動奠下了發展的基礎。在眾多社運團體於1990年代後蓬勃發展的同時,對探戈有興趣的性少數者也逐漸從隱匿的朋友舞會往公開的米隆加場域發展,在21世紀初形成「酷兒探戈」的前身─「同志米隆加」。   酷兒探戈與傳統探戈最大的不同是,它鼓勵在舞蹈之中自由對調帶領者和跟隨者的角色。本研究受到巴特勒的「性別操演」概念所啟發,藉由布宜諾市酷兒探戈場域和慶典的儀式過程性質,探討個體的性慾別特質如何在結構與反結構之間轉化、流動和重構。研究發現,酷兒探戈匯聚了大量的「反結構」特性,因此集結了一股對主流社會結構的「解構」力量。在反對父權與異性戀霸權之基礎上,酷兒們以一種較為柔和的方式─探戈舞蹈─深入人心,在扭轉傳統探戈僵固的二元結構過程中,逐步滲入一種較為平等的意識形態,並且為探戈舞蹈注入多元性別實踐的可能性。   酷兒探戈所發明的「角色對調」(role-exchange)舞步,彷彿是對20世紀初布宜諾市港口小混混(compadritos)在特殊時空背景下形成的男男同性探戈(práctica)之致敬,但是事實上更接近是一種反動的歷史結果。酷兒探戈不僅開闢了一個讓LGBTQ者可以跳探戈的場域;而且,它也為傳統探戈開闢了新的可能性,讓傳統兩性親身感受和理解兩種角色的性別操演特性,返還回來增加傳統探戈舞者彼此之間溝通的敏感度。


Tango Dancing, as an important part of cultural elements in Argentina, is originated from Buenos Aires at the end of 19 century. Surveying the history of tango dancing, we could get the picture of modern political and historical development at Argentina. In 1983, after the military dictatorship had collapsed and democratic elections were held, the expectations of lesbian and gay movement had grown. In 1990s, at the same time when many activists and communities flourished, LGBTQ who were interested in tango gradually had their milonga from private meeting to public sphere, which was the forerunner of queer tango, called “gay milonga”. The most important difference from queer tango and traditional tango is that we could change roles between leader and follower freely when dancing tango. This thesis considers the queer tango and festival of Buenos Aires as the ritual process, inspired by the theory of gender performativity from Butler, and discusses how gender and sexuality are transformed, floated and reformulated between the structure and anti-structure. The author finds out, the agency from the anti-structure of queer tango could decompose the social structure. Otherwise, against the patriarchy and heterosexual hegemony, differing from the fixed binary opposition in traditional tango, queer tango offers a kind of dance which is more equal and allows tanguero/a to discover more possibilities of multiple gender practices in tango dancing. Queer tango not only offers LGBTQ milonga for tango dancing, but also allows men-women to realize the gender performativity from being leader or follower, which could improve the sensibility between traditional tango dancers.


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