  • 學位論文


Peasants as Citizens: Struggles against Land Expropriation in Wanbao

指導教授 : 黃長玲


台灣在經濟發展的過程中,產生許多農地徵收問題,大量農地遭政府釋出供工商業開發。自2008年開始,農民發起的農地抗爭在各地陸續發生,學者也呼應農民立場,批評政府諸多開發計畫實為以發展之名行炒作之實的「新圈地運動」,使小農失去土地而無以為繼。2010年7月17日,農民上凱道抗議苗栗縣府怪手毀田的惡行,要求停止各項影響農業發展甚鉅的開發計畫,並全面修改土地徵收條例。政商共謀造成的農地徵收問題,不僅在台灣密集發生,也是全球性土地掠奪的一種重要類型。 在這波徵收風潮下,苗栗灣寶農民於2008年開始抵抗後龍科技園區開發案,至2011年區委會駁回後科案為止,歷時兩年半的灣寶抗爭經驗,是當代台灣反徵收抗爭的成功首例。本文以灣寶經驗作為研究對象,從抗爭政治的視角說明農民在抗爭過程中實踐公民身分,並透過組織串連獲得外部團體支持,隨著抗爭論述提升,抗爭規模與正當性也持續擴大。此外,本文探討徵收法規與程序對公民權造成的限制,以及農民如何回應此一挑戰。 本文強調,農民不僅是抗爭主要行為者,且在行動中逐步形塑公民意識,透過長期持續的抗爭,將農地徵收問題轉化為社會關注的公共議題,因此爭取到更多社會支持,顯示反徵收不只是社會抗爭,更是政治抗爭。


A large number of agricultural land expropriation problems occurred during the economic development of Taiwan. The government has been releasing many agricultural lands for industrial and commercial development. Since 2008, agricultural land protests staged by farmers happened one after another all over the country. Scholars support farmers and have been criticizing the government of its “new enclosure movement” in which many development plans are land speculation activities done in the name of development that render small farmers landless. On 17th July 2010 farmers marched the Ketagalan Boulevard to protest against Miaoli County Government’s evil deed of destroying farmlands with excavators. They requested the government to stop all development plans that have great impact on agricultural development and have a comprehensive amendment on the Land Expropriation Act. Land expropriation problems caused by business-government collusion do not only frequently occur in Taiwan but it is also an important type of global land grab. In this wave of expropriation, Miaoli Wanbao farmers began opposing the Houlong Technology Industrial Park Development Project in 2008 until the Regional Planning Committee overruled the Development Project in 2011. The Wanbao fight which lasted two and a half years is the first success in Taiwan’s protest against expropriation. The Wanbao experience will be the research object of this paper to illustrate how farmers fulfilled their citizenship in the process of their protest from the point of view of contentious politics and how they gained support from external organizations through organization concatenation. As voices of the protest grew louder, the protest expanded and its legitimacy increased. In addition, this paper also discusses the limitations imposed on civil rights by land expropriation law and procedures and how farmers respond to this challenge. This paper emphasizes that farmers are not only the main actors of the protest. Through long-term and continuous protests, they also gradually shaped civic awareness by turning agricultural land expropriation problems into a public issue that society concerns. This led to more social support which reflects that the fight against land expropriation is not only a social protest but also a political protest.


李丁讚,2010,〈財團圈地,農業崩解〉,《司法改革雜誌》,(79): 76。
李丁讚,2011,〈公民農業與社會重建〉,《臺灣社會研究》,(84): 431-464。
徐世榮、廖麗敏,2011,〈建構民主人權的土地政策〉,《台灣社會研究》,(86): 403-429。
張永健,2011,〈土地徵收補償之規範標準與實證評估〉,《東吳法律學報》,22(4): 27-64。


