  • 學位論文


Rural land consisting of outdoor thermal environment of comfort and study the relationship between heat island intensity

指導教授 : 黃國倉


台灣的農村發展歷經社會經濟的快速變遷與調整,在空間地理環境方面也出現極大的改變,由於農村地區由於農業發展的式微、社會結構的改變、空間土地使用型態的轉變,造成農村景觀風貌、生態環境、人文社會等各方面大幅度的改變。過去政府對於公共設施規劃不當,缺乏與當地地貌、文化特色的融合,把都市型態設計的公共建設橫向移植到農村,建設諸多筆直的柏油道路、水泥鋪面廣場、單調而無特色的公共建築,更將原生的植栽數種任意砍除,造成熱島效應也在農村社區出現。 近年來受到全球暖化影響,氣候變化因溫室效應而不斷加劇,不僅氣溫逐年攀升,最低溫也屢次創下紀錄,生活環境因此產生許多待解決的問題。在農村戶外,多為無遮蔽物的建築型態,因此直接反應了這些異常的變動,也直接衝擊農村戶外活動的空間品質,農村戶外環境研究相形之下更顯得重要。 本研究建立之熱島觀測資料,並解析觀測熱島強度與熱島時空變化特性。以最能反應人工環境與熱島溫度關係的午夜時段為例:冬季熱島強度為1.95℃,春季熱島強度為2.17℃,夏季熱島強度為1.35℃。由本研究解析熱島溫度分布特性結果可知:綠地及水域對於高溫化的緩和效果具有顯著影響。集居型農村與散居型農村皆會產生熱島效應。


農村熱島 熱舒適 PET 戶外熱環境


Taiwan's rural development experienced rapid social-economical change and adjustment, and great changes also appeared in geographical environments. Due to declining agricultural development, changes in social structure and alterations of land use patterns, rural landscape styles, a substantial degree of change occur in environment, humanities and society and other aspects. The Government and the public usually viewed balanced rural and urban development as urbanization in rural areas, resulting in inappropriate designs of infrastructures without integration of local landscape and cultural characteristic. In addition, numerous straight asphalt roads, squares covered by cement pavement and monotonous and anonymous public buildings were constructed and native plantings were removed, causing the occurrence of the heat island effect in rural communities. Recent years, because of the influences of global warming, climate change due to aggravation of greenhouse effect not only raises the temperature year by year, but breaks the lowest record producing many problems to be solved in living environment. Owing to insufficient shade outdoors in rural areas, these variations directly impact on the quality of rural area for outdoor activities. This study established the observed information of heat island effect and analyzed the intensity of observed heat island effects and the spatiotemporal characteristics of heat island effect. Taking the period of midnight, which could react the correlation of artificial environments and the heat island temperature, as an example: intensity of the heat island for winter was 1.95 ℃, for spring was 2.17 ℃and for summer was 1.35 ℃. The results of characteristics of the heat island temperature represent that the waters and green areas have a remarkable influence on heat mitigation. Moreover, the heat island effect will exist in both Kibbutz-type and scattered type of rural areas.


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