  • 學位論文


Working conditions and occupational health of visually impaired massage practitioners in Taipei

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


在台灣,按摩業長久以來被視為視障者之保留性職業,但大法官在2008年作成釋字第649號解釋,宣告就業保護條款(身心障礙者保護法第37條)違憲,自此明眼人正式加入按摩業。釋字宣告後,勞委會調查資料顯示,視障者繼續從事按摩之意願仍高達98%,轉職意願低。過往研究大多針對視障者的就業興趣、就業限制及職業重建等議題進行探討,但鮮少關注視障按摩工作者之工作狀況及職場健康;上述政策變革是否對視障按摩業工作者造成衝擊,也有待進一步檢視。 本研究以深度訪談及參與觀察蒐集資料,訪談對象為16位視障按摩工作者及4位視障按摩機構的管理工作者。研究發現,受訪者普遍感受到收入銳減,其歸諸之原因除大環境景氣不佳、地下非正規按摩長期競爭外,上述政策變革亦是可能的原因。儘管政府提供僅限視障者按摩之場所,但此政策介入成效不佳,反使按摩攤位的競標更加競爭。影響視障按摩工作者工作與職場健康的因素,包括機構管理制度與無障礙設施的親善程度、上下班通勤的安排,以及顧客與社會大眾對視障者需求的認知與支持程度等。在職場健康方面,本研究發現,視障按摩工作者大多有肌肉骨骼疼痛問題,卻往往隱忍以對。綜上,視障按摩師的工作型態不穩定,且大多缺乏職業安全健康保護;面對職業傷病風險,按摩師得自行承擔其衝擊。為確保視障按摩工者的身心健康,勞工與健康主管機關應重視影響視障按摩工作者職場健康的社會因素,並積極介入改善。


視障 按摩 工作狀況 職場健康


In Taiwan, the massage industry has been long regarded as an occupation exclusively for visually impaired people. However, in 2008, the Judicial Yuan ruled in the Interpretation No. 649 that the restriction according to the Article 37 of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act conflict with the Constitution. After this ruling, people with normal vision are allowed to enter the massage occupation. A survey conducted by the Council of Labor Affairs after this ruling showed that the willingness of visually impaired people to stay in the massage industry was high (98%), and their willingness to change to other jobs was low. There have been plenty of studies concerning visually impaired people’s employment aspirations and employment restriction as well as the vocational rehabilitation mechanisms; however, their working conditions and occupational health have rarely been studied. How the policy change has impacted their working conditions and health status also deserve attention. This study performed in-depth interviews with 16 visually impaired massage practitioners and 4 administrators of visually impaired massage institutions. This study found that most of the interviewees perceived substantial decreases in income, which was attributed to multiple causes, including economic recession, long-term competition with illegal message enterprises, as well as the abolishment of employment protection policy. The government had tried to lessen the impact of policy change by providing sites which are exclusively allocated for visually impaired practitioners. However, this intervention has not been effective, but instead, has caused greater competition in the bid for massage booths. The factors that influence occupational health of visually impaired practitioners include “management systems of the institution”, “availability of barrier-free facilities”, “commuting safety”, and “ need cognition and social support from the general public”. This study also revealed that most of the visually impaired practitioners suffered from musculoskeletal disorders, but they chose to bear the pain and uncomfortness. In conclusion, visually impaired message practitioners were found to have insecure employment and insufficient protection for occupational safety and health. When encounter occupational hazards, visually impaired practitioners have to bear the impacts on their own. We suggest that the labor and health authorities should pay attention to social determinants that affect the health of visually impaired practitioners and make efforts for their improvement.


呂思嫻 、邱大昕(2011)。是按摩也是管理:探討女性按摩師如何維持勞動時的身體疆界。身心障礙研究,9(4),253-265。
