  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of the Formation of Policy Problems of the Chinese Communist Party for Climate Change (2005-2014)

指導教授 : 周繼祥


自1979年聯合國的第一次世界氣候大會開始,氣候變化的議題開始喚起了人們的注意,更是首次受到國際科學界的重視。隨後於1992年聯合國環境與發展大會通過了《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》,從此開始對全球氣候變化的後續狀況如何因應,成為了各國的關注焦點。 隨著「中國崛起」這一名詞的出現,中共的發展已不可同日而語,在國際上佔有了很重要的一席之地。面對全球性的氣候變化議題,自不可度身於外,因為直接衝擊到的就是經濟發展,既要兼顧經濟發展,又要回應國際間有關應對氣候變化的要求,卻是給它造成了兩難情境。本文即是在這樣的背景之下,探討後京都時期,也就是國際氣候政治的第三個階段,有關中共的應對氣候變化政策問題的內、外在形成因素,了解到他如何面對與處理這樣的國際性問題。 全文蓋分為六章,第一章為緒論, 也就是有關閱讀本文的「先備知識」,介紹了本文的研究緣由、途徑與方法、相關範圍與限制、概念界定、文獻探討,最重要的是研究架構圖與章節安排的呈現,可清楚了解全文的研究重點所在。第二章為全文的理論基礎,根據學理,從「氣候議題、政策問題到政策制定的關係」,為應對氣候變化的議題、到政策問題進而形成政策找到支撐點,當然最重要的是在這過程中,系統議程與制度議程如何區分,亦是本章的焦點所在,因其會更加釐清隨後談到的議程設定的概念。第三章為中共應對氣候變化問題概述,介紹全球與中國氣候變化的現況,並分析氣候變化對中共的的影響,也就是本文的「因」,為後續的兩個章節找到因果關係,讓本文有環環相扣,互相連貫的整體感。第四章為議程設定的內在因素,內在主要是針對國內產生的情形而言,如溫室效應、人民的回應、環境保護措施、發展觀念的轉變、可持續發展(Sustainable Development,縮寫:SD)理念等。第五章為議程設定的外在因素,外在與內在是相對的,主要是針對國際上產生的情形而言,如美國和歐盟的做法、京都議定書的提出和聯合國的作為等。第六章為本文的結論,根據前面幾個章節的推論,經研究發現中共應對氣候變化,主要藉由確立相關戰略原則及目標、完善立法、政府積極主導低碳經濟與氣候外交等方面進行,除了希望解決國內問題,亦期望透過國際合作方式,彰顯其大國的形象,其次則是對研究結果進行評估,了解其未來走向及尚待加強之處,最後則對研究結果進行政策和後續研究方面的建議。 另為了強化本文的研究,根據立意抽樣的原則,以及公共政策研究方法與此議題相關領域的社會運動工作者、產業界、專家學者,進行深度訪談。得知氣候變化議題具有全球性的特徵,短時間難以解決,可是中共的相關政策已指出問題所在;其次因應氣候變化隨時會有新的因素加入,其所定之政策必須能保有隨時調整的能量;雖是廣土眾民,但因為政治體制的關係,使得其政策的推動較其他國家有效率,相較世界上其它國家而言,可說是他的優勢,此三項論點,同時也是本文對其未來走向所作之評估。 應對氣候變化政策是環境保護政策的一部份,從前面幾章的探究與深度訪談後的結果可知,如何應對氣候變化會是國際政治另一個角力的點,也由於中共在國際間的份量迴異於以往,緣此其在應對氣候變化方面是非常積極的,但也面臨了與高度發展經濟的矛盾,因此如何調適兩者間的關係,是其一大考驗。


Since the first World Climate Conference of UN in 1979, the issue of climate change has begun to drew people’s attention and received the attention of the world of science for the first time. Then, in 1992, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development passed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Since then, how to cope with the global climate change has become a focus of attention for every country. With the appearance of the term “China’s Rise”, the development of the Chinese Communist Party has become incomparable and it has held an important position internationally. Facing the issue of global climate change, it cannot stay away because this has a direct impact on economic development. Thus, it’s stuck in a dilemma: it must strike a balance between developing its economy and responding to international requirements of action on climate change. Against this background, this paper discusses the internal and external factors that decide the Chinese Communist Party’s policy problems for climate change and learns about how they face and deal with such international issues in Post-Kyoto era, i.e. the third stage of international climate politics. This paper includes 6 chapters. Chapter I is an introduction, i.e. the “prior knowledge” for reading this paper; it introduces the research reasons, ways and methods, relevant range and limits, concept definition, literature review, and above all, the research framework and chapter arrangement, from which people can know clearly the research focus of this paper. Chapter II is the theoretical basis of this paper; it finds a supporting point for the process from climate change issues, policy problems to policy formulation from “the relationship between climate issue, policy problems and policy-making”, and above all, how to distinguish the system agenda from institutional agenda in this process is also the focus of this chapter because it clarifies the concept of agenda setting which will be mentioned later. Chapter III summarizes how the Chinese Communist Party copes with the climate change, introduces the current situation of climate change globally and in China and analyzes the effects of climate change on the Chinese Communist Party, which is also the “cause” of this paper and finds a cause-and-effect relationship for the subsequent 2 chapters, making this paper achieve a sense of wholeness. Chapter IV tells the internal factors of agenda setting, which is mainly about the domestic situation, such as greenhouse effect, public response, environmental protection measures, shift in the view of development and the idea of sustainable development, etc. Chapter V tells the external factors of agenda setting, which is mainly about the international situation, such as practices of America and European Union, the proposal of Kyoto Protocol and actions of the United Nations, etc. Chapter VI is the conclusion; it arrives at the conclusion using the previous chapters and finds from researches that the Chinese Communist Party tackles climate change mainly by establishing related strategic principles and goals, perfecting legislation and positively promoting low carbon economy and climate diplomacy in the hope of not only solving domestic problems but also showing its image as a great power through international cooperation; then, it evaluates the research results and learns about its future direction and what needs to be strengthened; at last, it give suggestions about policies and follow-up studies based on the research results. Besides, to strengthen the research of this paper, we conduct in-depth interviews with people of social movements, the industrial circle, specialists and scholars in the fields related to this issue based on purposive sampling and public policy research methods. And we know from this that the climate change issue is a global issue which cannot be solved in short time, but the policies of the Chinese Communist Party have spotted the problem; new factors may enter measures coping with climate change at any time, so the policies must be able to be adjusted accordingly; though China is a vast territory with a large population, it promotes policies more efficiently than other countries due to its political system, which can be said to be its advantage compared to other countries; these three arguments are also this paper’s evaluation of its future direction. The policy that tackles climate changes is a part of the environment protection policy. It can be known from the exploration of the previous chapters and the results of depth interviews that how to tackle climate changes will become another arena of international politics. Because the weight of the Chinese Communist Party in the world has become greater, it is very positive in tackling climate change. However, it also faces contradiction between its highly developed economy and environmental protection. Therefore, how to adjust their relationship is big test for it.


吳 定,1996,《公共政策》,臺北:華視文化事業股份有限公司。
