  • 學位論文


“Kadafo” from Vietnam in Chang-Guang: Social Support Networks of New Immigrants in the Indigenous Tribe

指導教授 : 陳怡伃


為探索「部落新住民」的社會支持網絡,本研究以與阿美族人結婚且居住在臺東縣長濱鄉長光部落的越南新住民為例,進行為期六週的參與觀察,並深度訪談五位部落新住民、四位社會服務單位代表、三位部落青年以及兩位宗教組織代表。研究問題一是分析部落新住民個人的社會支持的來源與類型。文獻將社會支持區分為四種類型,基於同質性和親緣關係的強連結往往是情緒性支持的主要來源,而涵蓋異質性或跨越不同階層的弱連結則是工具性支持的關鍵基礎。在這個研究裡,發現部落新住民的社會支持來源結合了事件、地緣和親緣,可歸納為三種:「家人和親戚」、「僱主、同事與同儕」以及透過非正式管道提供資源的「正式支持者」,我發現連結的強弱難以用正式和非正式來區分,各種支持的來源與類型之間其實是交錯和堆疊的。結果發現可以幫助新住民重新發展出自我認同的評價性支持是相當重要但台灣文獻中常忽略的類型,此外,提供情緒性支持的關係網絡是建立長期互惠關係之基礎。 問題二是透過社會網絡觀點,探索連結與維繫其支持網絡的社會文化因素。發現透過認「乾媽」的擬制親屬制度,以及部落新住民成為基督宗教教徒的實踐過程對網絡建立是有幫助的,然而或許是基於部落對於外來者有著矛盾的集體態度,一方面族人期待新住民可以融入於部落,另一方面新住民的表現應無法達到族人心裡的衡量標準。同時,有些族人似乎也對新住民有抱持著刻板印象。在各種因素交錯之下,她們並沒有加入部落內的女子年齡階級也和族人間的互動不多,使得她們自成一個同儕團體、逐漸形成一個以族群為基礎的社區網絡,該網絡在長光或長濱這個「小地方」的辨識度相當的高,緊密的鄰里遂成為一個龐大的監視器,深深影響著她們的社會網絡。


This study aimed to explore the social support networks among "new immigrants in the tribe", and chose the new immigrants from Vietnam who are married to the Amis men and live in Chang-Guang Tribe, Chang-Bin Township, Taitung County as a case. Besides the methods of six-week participatory observation, five new immigrants in the tribe, four representatives of social service units, three tribal youths and two representatives of religious organizations were in-depth interviewed.The first question in this research was to analyze the sources and types of social support among new immigrants in the tribe. After reviewing some literature, social support could divide into four types. The strong links which based on homogeneity and kinship are usually the primary sources of emotional supports; in contrast, the weak links which associated heterogeneity or crossed different stratifications are the fundamental basis for instrumental supports. It was found that the sources of social support among new immigrants in the tribe might be grouped into three categories under the combination of events, locality and kinships: "family and relatives", "employers, colleagues and peers" and "formal supporters" who provide resources through informal pathways. The strength of the link was quite difficult to distinguish between formal and informal network, in addition, the sources and types of supports were complicated in this research. The results revealed appraisal support which the literature in Taiwan often overlooked is quite an important one for new immigrants; furthermore, providing emotional supports is the foundation to establish long-term reciprocal relationships. The second question was to explore the social cultural factors which sustain the support networks among the new immigrants in the tribe through social network perspective. It showed that both the fictitious relation system as having a “godmother” and becoming one of the Christians or Catholics were helpful for establishing their support networks. However, the collective attitude of the tribe was contradictory to the outsiders—on the one hand, the members of the tribe expected that new immigrants could immerse themselves in the tribe, on the other hand, there were some local standards in their mind to measure whether new immigrants were qualified or not as one of them. At the same time, some members of the tribe seemed to have stereotypes of new immigrants. Due to all the factors above, the new immigrants did not join the female group of age ranking in the tribe, and had little interaction with the members of the tribe, instead, they built up their own peer group as an ethnicity-based community network. Nonetheless, this network was highly recognized in such a small rural area and easily monitored by other residents. These situations were seriously affecting their social networks.


夏曉鵑(2002)。流離尋岸 : 資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象。臺北市:臺灣社會研究雜誌社。
