  • 學位論文


Analysis On Top Hundred Young Farmers’ Satisfaction Toward Current Government Measures

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


農業人力老化,導致生產力下降、危及國內糧食供給穩定性、不利產業轉型升級,老農照顧支出排擠政府農業研發與業務預算,使農業整體發展嚴重受限。自政府遷台以來至今,不同時期的執政者都致力吸引青年投入農業生產,也提出各種青年農民輔導措施。西元2006年,中央農政機關行政院農業委員會推出「新農業運動—漂鳥計畫」,鼓勵非農業領域的年輕人從「漂鳥、築巢、圓夢」,透過體驗、培訓到留農三階段養成,並藉由媒體大肆報導青年從農成功案例,在國內帶起一股青年從農熱潮。2013年的「新世代農業工作者培育方案」,更導入「陪伴式輔導」與「青農聯誼會」機制,並遴選「百大青農」為菁英部隊,期能讓青年農民培訓成果更具體、更有延續性。 要瞭解青農培育政策是否成功,需要政策利害相關人,也就是青年農民的第一手意見回饋。本研究以入選「百大青農」者為對象,運用PZB服務品質概念模式,將百大青農輔導計畫所提供的輔導措施內容視為「服務」,藉由問卷投放與統計分析,探究百大青農在入選前後對該等服務的期待與使用服務後的滿意程度變化,以瞭解該項政策的成效,此外,並提出現行百大青農輔導計畫之外的服務選項,依據青年農民回饋意見,提出相關政策修正建議。 經分析後發現:受訪的百大青農對於政府的輔導措施整體滿意度為88%;在個別輔導措施中,青年農民最滿意的輔導措施前三名依序為「陪伴師」、「青年從農貸款」及「設施設備補助」,感覺較沒有幫助的措施前三名則為「進駐創新育成中心產學合作」、「專案媒合農地租賃」及「創新加值計畫補助」;此外,受訪青農最希望政府未來能夠新增納入或強化的輔導措施前五名,依序為:「專案協助突破農地使用限制(例如蓋初級加工或集貨場)」、「協助品牌建立或產品形象包裝輔導」、「邀請參加國外展售或觀摩」、「協助解決缺工問題」及「栽培技術持續更新」。


Agricultural laborers aging, leading to reduced productivity, endangering the stability of domestic food supply, adverse industrial restructuring and upgrading, agricultural R & D and business budget were crowd out by the expenditure of Elder-farmers Allowance, so that the overall development of agriculture is severely limited. Since the government moved to Taiwan so far, different times of the rulers are committed to attract young people into agricultural production, but also put forward various young farmers counseling measures. In 2006, Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan launched the "New Agricultural Movement - the Stray Bird Nesting Plan" to encourage young people from the non-agricultural sector to get into agricultural sector, through three stages of empower and training program, to transform wanderer to stayer. By using the frequently media exposure of young farmers get success cases, created a booming to make youth join the agricultural business. In 2013, the "New Generation of Agricultural Worker Development Project" introduced into the " Accompanying counseling "& "Young Farmers’ Network" mechanism, and the "Top Hundred Young Farmers" selected as an elite force to enable young farmers’ training system more specific, more continuity. To explore the effectiveness of Young farmers culturing policy, we need for policy stakeholders, that is, young farmers’ first-hand feedback. This study was focus on the PZB model of service quality theory, and the contents of the counseling measures provided for the Top Hundred Young Farmers counseling programs regarded as "services". By means of the questionnaires result analysis and statistical analysis, to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy, and to survey the service options outside the current Top Hundred Young Farmers counseling programs according to young farmers’ feedback, put forward the relevant policy amendments to the proposal. After the analysis, it found that the overall satisfaction rate of the surveyed young farmers was 88% for the government's counseling measures. " Accompanying counseling", "Business Launching Loan for Young Farmers " and " Subsidies for Facilities Procurement " were the top three most popular among these counseling measures, and the first three of them felt less helpful than the one hand were, "Stationed in the Innovation and Incubation Center for industry-university cooperation project","Farmland lease intermediate service" and "Innovative Value-adding Program Subsidy " Besides, the top five counseling measures young farmers most hope to add in near future, they are : "To help break through the restrictions on the use of agricultural land (for example, deregulation the ban on primary processing and packaging yard for agricultural products)", "Giving help in brand building or product image design" ,"Invite to participate in foreign sales or visit study", "to help solve the problem of labor shortage " and "cultivation technology continued to update."


