  • 學位論文

規模、連鎖才能成功? 獨立咖啡經營模式探討

Is scale necessary to succeed? A Study of Independent Coffee Shop

指導教授 : 吳學良


咖啡是全世界交易熱絡的商品之一,全球每天消耗量達20億杯,台灣每年進口的咖啡豆數量自1998年星巴克引進台灣後,逐年呈現穏定成長。咖啡的消費型態,隨著國民所得的提高,由1960年代的即溶即飲咖啡,到90年代的連鎖義式現煮咖啡,和近年來台灣跟隨著全球的第三波浪潮前進,2017年星巴克於台北101 成立第一家典藏門市,平價連鎖超商全家Let’s Café 率先推出單一產地精品咖啡,成功創下銷售佳績後,2018年再開立Let’s Café 咖啡旗艦店。2019年超商現煮咖啡龍頭7-11 City Café跟進全家,宣布進軍精品咖啡。 第三波咖啡浪潮的堀起,可以說是精品咖啡的產業革命所造就成的。人們追求更健康,更高品質的莊園級咖啡,帶動咖啡產業提升到另一層次的新境界,本研究擬探討獨立精品咖啡館在連鎖大企業,及同質性獨立咖啡館的壓力下如何生存。以質性研究的方式,經由深度訪談及觀察,分析其商業策略與經營模式。瞭解成功存活的獨立精品咖啡館,具備下列三項共同條件:(1)定位:重新賦予精品咖啡價值意涵,是經營者的核心理念的呈現。 (2)專業聚焦:獨立店的市場定位在於精品咖啡這個具利基的細分市場,專注在精品咖啡本業經營及技術提升。(3)差異化:個案獨立店在產品、技術、服務及場域氛圍等方面進行高度的差異化,提供產品消費的超額效益,最大化的客戶價值。


At the global consumption rate of 2 billion cups per day, coffee is one of the most popular commodities in the world. The volume of coffee beans imported into Taiwan annually has been growing steadily since the entry of Starbucks in Taiwan in 1998. With the increased median income over time, the consumption pattern of coffee in Taiwan has evolved from the ready-to-drink coffee in the 1960s to chains of brewed coffee in the 1990s. In recent years, Taiwan joined the third wave of the coffee industry, a worldwide movement with focus on production of high quality artisanal coffee. 2017 Starbucks Reserve bar opened its first collection in Taipei 101. Meanwhile, the low-priced chain of FamilyMart’s Let's Café took the lead in joining the specialty coffee movement when it launched its single origin coffee line. It’s successfully product launch led to the opening of Let's Café coffee flagship store in 2018. In 2019, the market leader of commercial coffee 7-11 City Café followed its rival FamilyMart and announced its entry into the specialty coffee market. The rise of the third wave of coffee can be said to be the next evolution of the coffee industry. Consumers’ rising demand for healthier, higher quality artisan coffee is poised to drive the coffee industry into a new market landscape. This study intends to explore ways independent specialty shops can thrive in the competitive landscape dominated by large corporate chains and plethora of largely undifferentiated independent cafes. Through in-depth interviews, research and observations, the business strategy of independent specialty cafe is (1) Positioning: re-granting the value of the specialty coffee, is the core concept of the owner. (2) Professional focus: The market positioning of independent shops lies in the niche market segment of specialty coffee, focusing on the management of coffee business and technological upgrading. (3) Differentiation: independent shops are highly differentiated in terms of product, technology, service and space atmospheres, providing excess benefits for product consumption, maximizing customer value.


經濟部國際貿易局經貿資訊網: https://www.trade.gov.tw/
財政部關務署: https://web.customs.gov.tw/
內政部戶政司全球資訊網: https://www.ris.gov.tw/app/portal
行政院農業委員會: https://www.coa.gov.tw/
精品咖啡協會: https://store.sca.coffee/
