  • 學位論文


Re-examining the relationships between mystery and landscape preference.

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


景觀偏好是一個在景觀評估中最常被使用的方法,眾多相關研究多以Kaplan & Kaplan(1989)提出的偏好模式為基礎,四個處理環境資訊的預測因子為:一致性、易讀性、複雜性與神祕性,且文獻多認為四項預測因子應與偏好為正相關,但部份研究卻發現在特定的場景裡神祕性與偏好之間出現負相關,整體顯示神祕性並非穩定正向預測偏好的因子,故本次研究分成三個部份來檢測神秘性與偏好之關係。 研究一根據Herzog & Bryce(2007)實驗,欲探討神秘性在日夜情境下是否會造成偏好關係之反轉,或者如何去影響偏好,並且討論驚訝在關係中扮演的角色。受測者觀看不同程度神祕性之日夜校園景觀照片後會填寫偏好、神祕性與驚訝的感知問項。結果可發現神祕對偏好的關係在日夜情境下是有差異的,而神秘性對偏好的主效果為正向影響,驚訝對偏好是負向影響,但將變項同時討論便會發現神秘性會與驚訝共變,導致驚訝在日間與夜間對偏好仍是正相關。 研究二採自主式攝影法來討論神祕與驚訝的空間異同,以台大校總區為研究地點,受測者在理解神祕性、驚訝的定義後,會被要求於校園中拍攝其景觀空間的照片,並簡述拍攝理由。研究結果會透過內容分析法整理兩類環境之異同。特殊的研究結果發現路徑並不一定要彎曲迂迴,仍可具有神秘性,而驚訝場景則多因光線、雜亂、老舊的人造物等造成無法推論的不安與恐懼。並且透過研究二發現「驚訝」需再細分為未探索階段與已探索階段,前者才能與神祕性空間做比較,這也是先前眾多研究中未闡明的部分。 研究三發現神秘性定義初步可區分為強調環境是「推論性」的廣義神秘性,以及語意上已「涵蓋正向喜好」前提的狹義神祕性,本研究推論這些正向的問句導致偏好的影響力已出現在神秘性之前,則無庸置疑結果會出現偏好與神秘性正相關,若是如此便無法將神秘性視為預測偏好的因子,而研究結果與推論相符。整體研究結果可對於神祕性與偏好不穩定之關係有更進一步的了解,除了證實了驚訝之於神祕與偏好關係中的影響,也發現神祕性與偏好的因果關係。


Landscape preferences have been one of the important environment management tools for over four decades. Many research on landscape preferences were based on the Information Processing Theory, which also known as the Preference Matrix (Kaplan & Kaplan ,1989). Studies have shown the four informational variables (i.e., coherence, legibility, complexity and mystery) have positive effect on preferences. However, some studies have found that the relationships between mystery and preference might not be stable and negative correlations could be found in certain circumstance. The first study explored whether mystery would cause a reversal of preference in day and night situations, also observed how mystery and surprise affected preference. The results suggested that the effects of mystery and surprise on preference were highly overlapped but with different effect on preference. In low lighting situations (i.e., night time), mystery’s positive effects on preference are less than during the day time. However, such day-night differences were not observed in the case of surprise. The second study focused on comparing the physical attributes of mystery and surprise. Volunteer-employed photography method and content analysis were used to collect and understand the attributes. The results showed that the path didn’t have to be curved or fulled of twists and turns, it could still have mystery. The surprise’s environment were mostly obstructed to be related to dim light, messy environment or old artifacts etc, which often caused the feelings of fear. In addition, some special finding is that surprise situation could be distinguished as before/after exploration. While the before-exploration surprise still implied the inferential meaning, the after-exploration surprises considered mainly the differences between results and expetation. By sorting out mystery’s definitions in existing studies, we found that the measurments of mystery could be divided into “preference premise” and “neutral”. For ease of generalization, we classify “preference premise” as “narrow mystery” and “neutral” will be called “general mystery”. It was the purpose of the third study to understand the differences between the two mystries. The finding showed that the premise of preference will effect narrow mystery, but it won't happen to general mystery. And narrow mystery will act as a mediator between general mystery and preference. All the results could contribute to the future design and planning tasks.


李英弘、梁文嘉 (2000),景觀評估中之心理學模式之研究, 造園景觀學報,7(1), 67-87。
