  • 學位論文


A Study on Practices to Improve Hyperscale Data Center Project Closeout Challenges – from Owner’s Perspective

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


過去一年多由於新型冠狀病毒的影響,許多人被迫必須長時間待在家中,使得個人與工作上使用網路的需求大幅增加。而在疫情前亞太區就已是許多IT界龍頭爭相建設的地點,民眾可從報章雜誌中略知各個在台灣、新加坡及其他亞太區鄰近國家的超大規模數據中心(Hyperscale Data Center)興建專案。這些專案皆具工期短、高機密、進場時程複雜及動輒數百億台幣的專案經費的特性,且通常都由產業界相當有經驗的設計及施工廠商承攬。 然而,有著響亮名號及相當經驗的廠商仍不能代表專案就能順利結案。如同許多其他大型興建專案,大型數據中心也面臨許多類似挑戰:如業主端內部複雜的組織導致溝通不夠及時、業主及廠商皆有許多同時進行的專案而無法全力關注單一專案至結案、不同階段由不同業主進行審查以致廠商無所適從、各廠商為協助業主儘早營運,設計未完成便進場施工導致重新施工的工時與成本增加、合約內容針對結案所需移交文件不夠清楚等都造成專案整體時程遲延、移交過程冗長、專案文件不完整,導致業主廠商兩敗俱傷。而使用快捷工法(Fast-Track Construction)的數據中心專案,因將設計以系統或承包商為單位切為許多小塊,只要上游的設計大約完成,廠商馬上開始施工,所以一旦上述問題發生,便會對專案產生倍數型的的風險及傷害。 由於學術業界已有許多針對各種不同型態的興建專案中設計及施工階段常見的延遲因素探討與建議,故本研究選擇在大型數據中心興建專案中,對於常被專案經理(Project Manager)及專案參與人員(Project Stakeholder)忽視但又不得不面對的最後一個環節:「結案」(Project Closeout),建議實際且可行的方式,以利專案順利結案。並針對幾個台灣、新加坡、美國專案中常見的問題、所需要的文件及文件管理上,提供業主端在各個專案階段中可即時使用的格式。


COVID-19, a world pandemic caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Two (SARS-CoV-2), has forced many to change their work and lifestyles, and a lot of the changes involved staying at home, which in turn reflect on the increasing need for internet bandwidth and speed. Luckily major IT companies have already started their hyperscale data center planning and construction years before COVID-19 hit, where people can learn from the media about their investments made in Asia Pacific Region, such as Taiwan, Singapore and other countries in the region. Hyperscale Data Center projects have similar traits such as short construction duration, highly confidential, complicated scheduling, and a few hundred million US Dollars per project. Not to mention that these projects are usually executed by very experienced and skilled Architect Engineering firms and General Contractors. However, experienced and skilled Architect Engineering firms and General Contractors do not guarantee successful project execution and handover. Similar to other large scale construction projects, Hyperscale Data Center projects also face the challenges like inefficient and ineffective communication due to complicated Owner’s organization; not enough input from the Owner or Contractor Management because they are managing multiple projects; inconsistent review comments due to different individuals from the Owner’s team at different phases of the project; lengthy and costly rework due to construction start before design completion, include all other reasons that result in a very unpleasant project closeout for both the Owner and the Contractors due to delayed schedule, lengthy handover duration, and incomplete handover documentation. Time-to-market is one of the key demands of Hyperscale Data Center projects, the adaptation of fast-track construction, which design phase has been further broken down to smaller units where construction will start as soon as the design is more-or-less completed, has aggravated the above challenges and cause severe harm to the project. There has been much research done on the delay factors of construction in different business sectors, and mitigation suggestions. This research focused on the most neglected but unavoidable phase by Project Managers and/or Project Stakeholders - the “project closeout” phase of Hyperscale Data Center Construction projects, and provided practical solutions including templates that can be readily available for Project Owners for a painless project closeout. In addition, the research looked at common closeout issues, deliverables, and document management of projects in Taiwan, Singapore and the US.


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