  • 學位論文


Analysis of Nuclear Energy Discourse in Taiwan: A Case Study of “Go Green with Nuclear”

指導教授 : 林照真


2018年11月24日,台灣舉行九合一地方公職人員選舉,同時舉辦全國性公民投票,俗稱「公投綁大選」。其中由黃士修等人提出的「以核養綠」公投,意在廢除「2025非核家園」政策的法源依據,因而掀起擁核及反核社群的激烈論戰。 本論文選擇以具代表性的擁核及反核方臉書粉絲專頁作為研究對象,採用Laclau和Mouffe提出的論述理論作為研究方法的參考依據,將雙方有關「以核養綠公投」的論述加以歸納、分析,由此理解兩邊陣營的論述架構、邏輯和策略,以及雙方論述如何相互對抗。 本論文發現,在擁核方接合論述的各項「節點」中,代表生態、環境和綠能的「綠」和「民主價值」最為關鍵。擁核方在「綠」的意涵上,開展出有別於以往擁核陣營的論述內容,將核能形塑成在發電效率和生態保護上都表現優良的綠能,得以在生態環境的議題上對抗反核方。擁核方關於「民主價值」的論述,則是將以核養綠公投建構為民主的象徵,在二元對立的情勢中,定調自己和對手間的相對關係。 最後,雙方論述雖牽涉許多核能以外的議題,本質上仍是「擁核 VS 反核」的傳統對抗模式,和過去並無明顯差別。


On November 24, 2018, nine-in-one elections and ten referendums were held in Taiwan. One of the referendums “Go Green with Nuclear”, which was led by Huang Shih-hsiu and other people, was to abolish the law about “2025 nuclear-free” policy. The referendum led some fierce debates between pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear societies. This thesis uses the Discourse Theory of Laclau and Mouffe to conduct a discourse analysis between the representative pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear Facebook fan pages. According the analysis, we could apprehend the discourse logic, constructions and strategies of two sides and the battle between them. In all pro-nuclear’s nodes, “Green” represents ecology, environment and “green power”. The pro-nuclear developed some discourse, which were different from the past, to describe nuclear power as an efficiency and eco-friendly “green power”. They confronted anti-nuclear on ecological topic. The other important node was “Democracy”, which pro-nuclear construct the referendum as a symbol of democracy, and defined the relationship between opponents and themselves in a zero-sum situation. This research found both sides have developed arguments before referendums, which may not be concerned with nuclear power. However, both sides still kept the traditional antagonism model as usual.


Abby Huang(2018年8月16日)。〈福島核災之後,日本為何還要「重啟核電」?東電高層來台引戰火〉,《關鍵評論網》。取自:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/102125
Alan Chiu、TC Chow(2018年11月22日)。〈【台灣公投】以核養綠發起人黃士修:環保民生須並進〉,《立場新聞》。取自:https://thestandnews.com/cosmos/以核養綠發起人黃士修-環保民生須並進/
