  • 學位論文

試論中介組織對民眾參與中資訊傳遞的效果 ─以國際水利環境學院(TIIWE)於嘉義東石進行之民眾參與為例

Effects of the intermediate organization in public participation: A case study of TIIWE in Dongshi, Chiayi

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


在「國土復育策略暨行動方案」通過之後,嘉義東石地層下陷區被列入國土復育範圍當中,然國土復育牽涉到居民土地的產權變更,國際水利環境學院(Taiwan International Institute for Water Education, TIIWE)執行政府機關委派之民眾參與,目的在於透過不斷地與民眾溝通的方法,解決民眾產權與國家政策之間可能出現的紛爭。本文主要的研究問題,就在討論身為國家政策和地方民眾之間的中介組織,TIIWE較深入且細緻的民眾參與方式,以及在地方上的經營,當TIIWE具有成為公部門和地方民眾橋梁的條件時,是否能夠提升民眾參與公共決策規劃的程度? 由於本研究進行的時候,TIIWE已經結束在東石地區的民眾參與行動,在缺乏實地觀察與影音紀錄的情況下,本文透過TIIWE在東石地區最長期的民眾參與計畫〈沿海地層下陷區國土復育工程公眾參與及培力深耕策略研擬〉當中,最接近原始情況的附錄六〈各類型活動摘要表〉,透過其中記錄的活動地點、時間、參與人員、討論內容摘要,重建當時民眾參與的現場、追蹤參與人員。從附錄六開始,本文追蹤在TIIWE的民眾參與過程當中,主要的執行重點、議題討論進度、篩選出受訪者進行後續訪談,比對2010年結案報告與2006年較小規模民眾參與的討論議題差別,並以附錄六辨識僅有的錄音檔,搭配訪問逐字稿、其他書面與網路資料進行分析。 透過上述資料的分析,民眾和TIIWE之間尚未形成對等的資訊和權力關係,地方民眾僅作為地方問題和經驗的指認者,而未能在公共政策的規劃上有主動的貢獻。地方問題和經驗是透過TIIWE代為轉述,然地方民眾對於國土復育可能的影響範圍、政策走向、地方意見的作用都沒有具體的瞭解。TIIWE作為政府與民間的中介組織,能夠在公共政策規劃初期發揮影響力,並將地方意見與經驗帶入正式決策中,但這樣的能力並未擴及到民間;雖然TIIWE重視地方網絡的經營,但至目前為止,TIIWE仍然無法擴大、加深其所進行的民眾參與廣度與深度。TIIWE所執行的民眾參與行動,在促進民眾參與公共政策初期規劃的效用方面,民眾的想法雖能夠進入決策過程,但此卻非民眾主動的意識。進而討論TIIWE在民眾參與過程當中未能揭露完整資訊,是因為在國土復育計畫當中,TIIWE所支持的規劃方式尚未成為正式的官方計畫,因此受到官方委託的TIIWE也就無法以官方代表與民眾討論國土復育的內容。


民眾參與 國土復育 中介組織 TIIWE 東石


What would happen when the initiator of public participation (PP) is not grass-roots but official agents? In 2010-2011, Water Resources Agency(水利署) of Taiwan government spent $4,450,000 NTD in public participation which embedded in an official project, Coastal Subsided Restoration program, in Dongshi, Chiayi(嘉義東石). Taiwan International Institution of Water Education (TIIWE), whom a water engineering professional organization, was appointed for conducting the public participation. This article is to figure out if the public could enter early stages of decision making when an intermediate organization between government and grass-root exists, and try to identify the top-down partial in the public participation. The purposes of methods used in my research were to rebuild the scene of the public participation, and trace the effect of the public participation. Without chances to observing the public participation in Dongshi, Chiayi, I collected information by interviewing from the following four groups with different purposes and interviewing outlines: (1) staffs in TIIWE that responsible for PP in Dongshi; (2) staffs in TIIWE working in Dongshi but not doing PP; (3) locals that was invited to attend activities of the PP; (4) others that helping TIIWE conduct PP; and (5) locals collaborate with TIIWE but not attend PP. Group 3 and 4 were selected from an appendix of TIIWE’s official report called Establishment and Assessment of Strategies for Public Participation and Empowerment in Coastal Subsided Restoration Program (沿海地層下陷區國土復育工程公眾參與及培力深耕策略研擬). I also used the appendix to analyze the emphasis had been put and identify what kind of information had been revealed and discussed by TIIWE in the public participation. The public participation in Dongshi was top-down in two aspect: (1) rather than involving locals as co-workers in the public participation and the government project,, TIIWE considered locals as simply reporters of local problem and experience in a passive way; (2) In official project forming process, locals was revealed limited information and with a little feedback about locals’ opinion and experience in the official program. Furthermore, without deeper discussion about the influences in Coastal Subsided Restoration program, grass-roots did not even find a point to involve in official program forming process. The two aspects mentioned above also indicated that the public remained difficult to enter into early stage of government decision making process in this case.


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