  • 學位論文

小果番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)嫁接茄砧及乾旱處理對生育之影響

The effect of eggplant rootstock and drought treatment on the growth of grafted cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

指導教授 : 楊雯如


番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)嫁接於特定茄子根砧,可提升植株對於土壤傳播性病害之抗性及耐淹水性,然而對溫室環境栽培果實之影響仍然研究有限。本研究以商業品種‘玉女’小果番茄和‘EG203’茄砧為試驗材料,探討嫁接及乾旱對植株生長及果實品質與產量之影響,並在果實方面探討噴施氯化鈣溶液之影響。試驗材料為番茄/茄子嫁接株,並以番茄自根及實生植株為對照;乾旱處理為兩週澆灌一次,對照組每週澆灌;氯化鈣溶液之噴施自幼果可見起,每週噴施果串50 mM氯化鈣水溶液一次,每株約30 mL,對照組不噴施。嫁接對於苗期地上部生物量的影響不顯著,但嫁接苗葉片顯著較小,葉片葉綠素計讀值有上升趨勢。嫁接使番茄成株出現砧負現象,植株高度顯著較矮,成熟展開葉片也較短,且下位葉較晚脫落。果實品質和產量方面,嫁接提升果實總可溶性固形物0.6oBrix和可滴定酸0.09%,對裂果率影響不大,但使總產量下降,下降程度因果串而異。乾旱處理使番茄實生成株株高、葉長和葉片含水量下降,葉片葉綠素計讀值則顯著上升;番茄果實總可溶性固形物因乾旱處理而提升0.6o Brix,可滴定酸的反應則不顯著,此外,裂果率和產量在乾旱下均有降低趨勢。嫁接株株高、葉長、葉綠素計讀值和葉片含水量對於乾旱處理的反應不顯著,但乾旱仍會造成嫁接株的產量下降。由嫁接面以下亞甲藍染劑留滯程度較高,推測根砧莖部水分運輸速率可能較慢,使接穗遭遇輕微乾旱。噴施氯化鈣溶液可降低果實可滴定酸,也使裂果率下降並提高可售產量。同時對植株處理乾旱及噴施氯化鈣溶液,可使番茄實生株裂果率由36%下降至8%,然而對嫁接株無顯著影響。


Grafting tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) scions onto specific eggplant rootstocks enhances resistance to soil-borne diseases and tolerance of waterlogging stress of plants. However, study on the effects of grafting on fruits under greenhouse environment was limited. Commercial cherry tomato (T) cultivar ‘Jade Girl’ grafted onto ‘EG203’ eggplant (E) were subjected to be investigated for the effects of grafting and drought on plant growth and fruit quality and production. The effects of calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution spray on fruits were also studied. Plant materials used were tomato/eggplant grafted (T/E) in addition to the two controls, tomato self-rooted (T/T) and ungrafted (T) plants. Drought treatment was watered biweekly (D) relative to weekly (CK). When immature fruits were visible, a weekly 30 mL 50 mM CaCl2 spray per plant on fruiting trusses was applied, whereas control plants received none. Grafting had little effect on shoot biomass of young plants, but young T/E plants had smaller leaves with higher chlorophyll meter reading (CMR).The scion base showed overgrowth in flowered T/E plants. T/E plants also had shorter plant height and leaf length, and the lower leaves of T/E abscissed later than T/T and T.Fruit total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA) were increased by grafting for 0.6oBrix and 0.09%, respectively. Grafting had no significant effect on fruit cracking incidence, but it led to lower production, of which the extent of reduction differed between trusses.Drought treatment caused reduction in plant height, leaf length, and leaf relative water content, and increase in CMR of flowered tomato plants. Drought also promoted fruit TSS by 0.6o Brix, having no effect on TA; moreover, fruit cracking incidence and production were both reduced under drought. Drought treatment didn’t significantly affect plant height, leaf length, leaf CMR and relative water content of T/E plants; however, drought yet caused production reduction in T/E plants.According to higher degree of methylene blue dye stagnation below graft union, water transport rate might be slow, causing T/E scion to experience mild drought. CaCl2 spray lowered fruit TA and fruit cracking incidence, increasing marketable production.In corporation with drought treatment, CaCl2 spray reduced cracking incidence from 36% to 8%in T plants; however, fruit cracking in T/E could not be significantly reduced by the treatment.


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