  • 學位論文


Comparing the Effects of Environmental Attributes for Living and Recreation

指導教授 : 林晏州


摘要 環境偏好是景觀領域相關研究主要議題之一,但過去的相關研究多探討總體偏好,然而人在日常生活與戶外遊憩情境中是否會對環境產生不同感知與偏好?是否因不同情境之需求差異而影響環境感知與偏好?而滿足不同需求之環境屬性為何?以上問題為本研究欲探討之研究課題。本研究之主要目的為了解日常生活與戶外遊憩情境之需求為何,又影響需求之環境屬性為何;是否不同環境類型照片之環境屬性與偏好有所不同;且需求所對應之環境屬性與不同情境偏好之關係是否有所差異;以及是否受測者背景不同造成各變項評值有所差異。本研究透過90張環境照片,其中45張都市環境照片,45張自然環境照片以作為刺激物,請受測者分別於日常生活與戶外遊憩情境評估照片之環境屬性與情境偏好,其中環境屬性為易於辨明方向的、維護良好的、自明性、使用性、美麗的、令人印象深刻的、神秘的、複雜的、孤寂的、自由的共10個,偏好分為日常生活偏好與戶外遊憩偏好。研究分析結果顯示,不同情境中受測者環境屬性評值不同;不同環境類型之環境屬性評值有所不同,且日常生活較偏好都市環境照片,戶外遊憩較偏好自然環境照片;在環境屬性與偏好關係的方面,本研究將日常生活偏好與戶外遊憩偏好分別進行分析,結果顯示環境屬性與不同情境偏好之關係不同,在日常生活組,研究結果顯示自明性、美麗的、維護良好的與自由的四者可顯著解釋日常生活偏好,迴歸模型之解釋能力為87.9%,而戶外遊憩組,美麗的、自由的、令人印象深刻的可顯著解釋戶外遊憩偏好,迴歸模型之解釋能力為90.8%;在受測者背景與各變項評值之關係方面,分析結果顯示不同背景之受測者對各變項評值有所差異。研究結果表明人處於日常生活與戶外遊憩情境會因環境屬性不同而影響偏好,並顯示環境屬性與不同情境偏好之具體關係,可作為未來環境規劃設計等實務操作提出相關建議,並為後續研究發展提供新方向。 關鍵詞:環境屬性、日常生活需求、戶外遊憩需求、偏好


Abstract The main purpose of this study is to determine whether there is difference between preference as a place to live and preference as a place for recreation. And also, to discuss whether this two types of preference judgement are influenced by environmental attributes-legibility, well-maintenance, identifiability, utility, beautiful, impressive, mystery, complexity, solitude, freedom. The objectives of our research is to figure out the effect of environmental attributes for living and recreation. The research method was to invite respondents to evaluate the 10 environmental attributes and preference of 90 stimulis within everyday life and outdoor recreation scenarios. The respondents were asked to rate from 1 to 10, and 90 stimulis include 45 urban photos and 45 nature photos. The results showed that the ratings of environmental attributes are different between two scenario respectively. And also, there is different environmental attributes ratings between urban and nature. The living preference of urban is higher than nature. On the contrary,the result of recreation preference is opposite. With regard to the relationship between 10 environmental attributes and two types of preference, there are two different relationships. Within the living scenario, identification, beautiful, well-maintenance, freedom value are higher, the living preference value continues increase. The regression model showed that the former variables could explain 87.9% the later one. Considering the outdoor recreation scenario, the recreation preference value increases as beautiful, well-maintenance and freedom value increasing. The regression model showed the explanatory ability of prediction model is 90.8%. And there are different variables’ scores among participants who has different demographic characteristics. Keywords: Environmental attributes, living needs, recreation needs, environmental preference


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