  • 學位論文


Plants Suitability Analysis for Horticultural Therapy Activities

指導教授 : 張育森


園藝治療(Horticultural therapy)為一輔助療法,其透過植物、園藝活動、自然環境等促進人們身心健康。目前臺灣大量使用歐美園藝治療素材中之香草植物,但此類植物多有適應不良問題,因此擬瞭解適用於園藝治療之植物特質,故建立評估指標並篩選季節適用植物,同時建立推薦表供國內進行園藝治療活動之參考應用。   本試驗利用問卷瞭解各園藝治療適用植物指標之重要程度,依序為維護管理容易、視覺體驗、美學體驗、嗅覺體驗、具多重用途、短期內即具成果、繁殖容易、具文化典故、可食用性。由主成份分析將指標分為三類:一、植物特性,包含嗅覺體驗、具多重用途、具文化典故、可食用性等;二、植物之外觀感受,包含視覺體驗及美學體驗;三、植物照顧,包含維護管理容易、繁殖容易、短期內即具成果等。由於本試驗不適於採用主成份分析法進行權重計算,故將各指標之權重皆訂為1。   配合有機農場栽培模式,調查臺灣春夏季及秋冬季常見之花壇植物及香草植物之生長狀態,作為維護管理容易度之指標,並篩選季節適用植物。試驗結果顯示適用於臺灣北部春夏季之園藝治療植物為視覺植物:藍星花(Evolvulus nuttallianus)、繁星花(Pentas lanceolata)、日日春(Catharanthus roseus)、千日紅(Gomphrena globosa);嗅覺與味覺植物:紫蘇(Perilla frutescens)、檸檬羅勒(Ocimum basilicum ‘Citriodorum’)、綠薄荷(Mentha spicata)、巧克力薄荷(Mentha piperita ‘Chocolate’)等。而適用於臺灣北部秋冬季之園藝治療植物為視覺植物:粉萼鼠尾草(Salvia farinacea)、非洲鳳仙‘小精靈’ (Impatiens walleriana ‘Super Elfin XP Lilac’);嗅覺植物:到手香(Plectranthus amboinicus)及味覺植物:福山萵苣(Lactuca sativa)。全年皆適合之植物為黃帝菊(Melampodium paludosum)、彩葉草(Solenostemon scutellarioides)、九層塔(Ocimum basilicum)、檸檬香蜂草(Melissa officinalis)、葉用甘藷(Ipomoea batatas)綠葉種及紫葉種等。建議園藝治療適用植物篩選評估公式為:總分(S) = 維護管理容易(M) + 視覺體驗(V) + 美學體驗(A) + 嗅覺體驗(S) + 具多重用途(U) + 短期內即具成果(T) + 繁殖容易(R) + 具文化典故(C) + 可食用性(E) + 周年利用性(Y)。依此建議九層塔、檸檬香蜂草、到手香、綠薄荷、紫蘇、鳳梨鼠尾草、檸檬羅勒等為優良之園藝治療適用植物。非洲鳳仙、千日紅、彩葉草、繁星花、藍星花、日日春、粉萼鼠尾草、黃帝菊、檸檬馬鞭草(Aloysia citriodora)、巧克力薄荷、葉用甘藷、迷迭香(Rosemarinus officinalis)、甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana)等為園藝治療適用植物。   種子森林盆栽因其簡單且方便操作,為常見的園藝治療活動,但部分種子具休眠性,具不易發芽或發芽率較低之問題。試驗以臺灣常見水果之種子為材料,篩選以簡單的操作技術即可於短期內達高發芽率之種子。結果顯示種子適用植物及操作方式為火龍果(Hylocereus undatus)及小番茄‘聖女’(Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Santa’)直接播種,番石榴(Psidium guajava)種子泡水一週處理,柚子(Citrus grandis)種子則泡水一週處理並去除種皮,均可於兩週內達高發芽率。而番木瓜極具營養價值,但其種子發芽困難且發芽率不穩定,番木瓜‘台農二號’ (Carica papaya ‘Tainung No. 2’)以GA3 500 ppm處理0.5-2小時可達較佳之發芽率。建議種子森林夏季適用材料為火龍果;秋季為柚子;全年皆適用者為番石榴。   品嚐香草茶亦為園藝治療之常見活動,其保健功效於近年逐漸受到關注。試驗香草茶以薰衣草及洋甘菊為主配方,探討飲用前、後唾液中腎上腺皮質醇之變化與放鬆效果。平均年齡45-60歲之園藝課程學員飲用香草茶後腎上腺皮質醇濃度顯著降低;而綜合各年齡之受試者,飲用香草茶後腎上腺皮質醇濃度降低,位於90%信賴區間內,且共有81.4%之受試者認同飲用香草茶可達放鬆、安眠、增加平靜及正向情緒之功效。   透過園藝治療適用植物篩選評估,建議臺灣北部適用之春夏季及秋冬季花壇植物及香草植物,以及種子森林適用植物,可實際應用於園藝治療活動中。種子森林及香草茶為常見之園藝治療活動,根據活動型式及季節選擇適合之植物應用於園藝治療活動具重要性,可提升園藝治療效益,而飲用香草茶可具放鬆效果,為優良之園藝治療活動。


Horticultural therapy is a kind of complementary therapy, which improves physiological and mental health through plants, horticultural activities and nature. A lot of western herbs were used for horticultural therapy in Taiwan recently, but some does not adapt to climates of Taiwan. Therefore, the conditions suitable for plants used in horticultural therapy and recommendation form were in urgent need. Suitable plants screening form was created according to the importance of screening indices including easy to maintenance (M), visual sense (V), aesthetics (A), smell sense (S), multiple uses (U), gain achievement in short time (T), easy to reproduction (R), cultural meaning (C) and edible (E), and analyzed from literature review and questionnaire. Above factors were arranged according to its importance. Principle component analysis showed the indices could be classified into three categories. Plant property-related indices including (S), (U), (C), and (E). Group 2 was composed of feeling towards plant appearance-related indices including (V) and (A). Group 3 was composed of maintenance-related indices including (M), (R), and (T). Since principle component analysis was not suitable for calculating weighting in this data, the weighting of each conditions was 1. Growth conditions of common summer and winter bedding plants and herbs were investigated, and results were used for evaluating the maintenance difficulty. These plants were cultivated following organic farming methods. Visual plants including blue daze (Evolvulus nuttallianus), star cluster (Pentas lanceolata), periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), and globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) were suitable for summer; mealy cup sage (Salvia farinacea) and impatiens (Impatiens walleriana ‘Super Elfin XP Lilac’) were suitable for winter. Smell and taste plants including perilla (Perilla frutescens), lemon basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Citriodorum’), spearmint (Mentha spicata), and chocolate mint (Mentha Piperita ‘Chocolate’) were suitable for summer; patchouli (Plectranthus amboinicus) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were suitable for winter. Melampodium (Melampodium paludosum), coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides), basil (Ocimum basilicum), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), and leafy sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) can be used all year-round. The suitable plants scoring formula was set as Score (S) = (M) + (V) + (A) + (S) + (U) + (T) + (R) + (C) + (E) + (Y). According to the formula, basil, lemon balm, patchouli, spearmint, perilla, pineapple sage, and lemon basil were excellent plants suitable for horticultural therapy, whereas impatiens, globe amaranth, coleus, star cluster, blue daze, periwinkle, mealy cup sage, melampodium, lemon verbena (Aloysia citriodora), chocolate mint, leafy sweet potato, rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis), and stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) were good materials for horticultural therapy. Seedling forest was a common activity in horticultural therapy, and was easy to manipulate. But germination rate was low in some species due to seed dormancy. Common fruit seeds were screened for low manipulation to achieve high germination rate in short time. Results showed that dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) and tomato ‘Santa’ (Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Santa’) seeds can be directly sown, guava (Psidium guajava) seeds required one-week soaking, and pomelo (Citrus grandis) seeds required both soaking and seed-coat removing. These seeds can achieve high germinate rate in two weeks. The nutrition of papaya was rich, but seeds were hard to germinate. Papaya ‘Tainung No. 2’ (Carica papaya ‘Tainung No. 2’) seeds soaked for 0.5-2 hours in 500 ppm gibberellins (GA3) had higher germination percentage. Dragon fruit was suitable materials for seedling forest in summer, pomelo was suitable in fall, and guava can be used all year round. Herb tea was another common activity in horticultural therapy. Recently, the health benefits of herb tea were concerned. To determine the relaxing effect of drinking herb tea, saliva were collected before and after drinking herb tea, and analyzed for cortisol concentration. The main ingredients in the tested herb tea were lavender and chamomile. The cortisol concentration of subjects which average age at 45-60 years old was significantly lower after drinking herb tea. However, the cortisol concentration of subjects across different ages was lower only at 90% confidence intervals. Nevertheless, 81.4% of subjects agreed that drinking herb tea causes relax, sleepy, peaceful, and resulted in better mood. In conclusion, recommended summer and winter common bedding plants and herbs in northern Taiwan, and fruit seed for seedling forest can be used in horticultural therapy activities. Horticultural therapeutic activities such as seedling forest and herb tea tasting should use suitable plants according to activity types and seasons to improve horticultural therapy effects. Drinking herb tea was a good horticultural therapy activities to induce relax.


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