  • 學位論文


The Developments and Implementations of Right of Nature:The Examples in New Zealand and Colombia

指導教授 : 張文貞


在被稱為人類世的時代下,人類高度開發行為對自然生態影響的後果越來越明顯與嚴重。1970 年代起,各國環保意識逐漸抬頭,更擬定相關策略來因應,但至今四十年卻仍未見起色,反而更靠近全球溫度升至 1.5 度C 的臨界點。而自然生態保護與人類開發行為往往處於劍拔弩張的關係,在法律政策上,政治部門的消極態度導致生態保護的利益往往退居次後,使處於最後一道防線的司法部門也難以守護自然生態。同為地球生態系統一份子的臺灣,近期也有意透過再生能源降低碳排放量,如臺東知本溼地的「臺東縣臺東市知本建康段設置太陽能發電設備及教育示範專區標租計畫」,但在場地的揀選上,因被認為破壞生態系統與原住民的傳統領域而停擺至今。然而,在爭議上,代表自然生態利益的 NGO 並無法進入爭訟程序,遑論計畫討論階段。從此案例中,顯現出自然生態本身在法律體系中的劣勢,亦即它僅能附著於原住民等人權上爭取,而這又必須取決各國對原住民權利的保障程度。不過,近年來開始有對於現存法律體系的反思,在國際與國家層次上,承認自然權的案例如雨後春筍,這便促使本文想深究自然權的演變與落實,以提供我國借鏡。 本文的研究取徑主要是爬梳學術文獻與各國實務資料,包含行政、立法與司法部門。觀察角度主要分為二者。首先是宏觀討論,此部分藉由學術文獻與鳥瞰各國實踐情形,以提供自然權演變與落實狀況的圖像。其次則是微觀觀察,以目前廣受討論的指標性案例:紐西蘭旺格努伊河、哥倫比亞的阿特拉托河及亞馬遜河雨林流域為觀察重點,並就兩國案例的自然權發展脈絡與落實制度,深度比較分析與討論。最後,將視野拉回臺灣前述提及的知與溼地光電案,提供分析與建議。 面對現階段生態系統的持續崩壞,以及以人為本的法律體系,改變人類對自然生態的支配利用關係至關重要。而法律作為一種得以改變人類行為的手段,本文認為自然權的承認與落實有助於解決此境況,蓋除了提醒人類應將自然生態利益納入平等的利益衡量天平上,更促使利害關係人得以參與和自然生態系統有關的程序中表示意見,以作出對自然生態衝擊最小的決策與判斷。至於應如何承認及落實自然權,本文認為由原住民、未來世代與 NGO 進入司法部門是一個很好的突破點。不過,自然權的落實模式則是與各國的發展脈絡相關,最重要的是如何使政府與人民正視自然生態的利益,不再使其淪為機械式權利衡量下的犧牲品。


In this “Anthropocene period”, more and more extreme climate conditions have been emerging around the world. Beginning in the 1970s, environmentalism arose and some strategies made to fight the worsening environmental conditions had been built up. However, the situation not only had not improved in the past 40 years but keeps on getting worse. Based on the IPCC report in 2021, global temperature will hit the 1.5°C rise in the near future. It’s clear that the huge confliction between ecology system protection and human development does exist. In legal field, ecology system protection always be yield to human development during the judicial litigation when facing the balance rule. This makes judiciary difficult to protect ecology system. Taiwan is one part of the global picture. In order to reduce the carbon emission, there are some plans for renewable energy. For example, Taitung County government formulated a photovoltaic board plan in Chihpen wetland. Unfortunately, the plan didn’t work because of the protest by NGO and indigenous people. There comes a question in my mind: what place should the ecology system be in the procedure? Recently, there are some reevaluation about the existing legal system, which is anthropocentric. Thus, legal right for nature has started to be recognized through legislation, judicial decision or other ways in some countries. This thesis looks into the developments and implementations of right of nature in hopes of shedding new lights in the existing legal system in Taiwan. The research methods in this thesis are comparative law research and articles analysis. There are two angles to observe the development and implementation of right of nature. First is macro way, which means introduce theory and practice about right of nature around the world, to make the big picture. Second, it focuses on two examples of rivers in New Zealand and Colombia to analyze how the right of nature have developed and been practiced. Finally, this thesis introduced the Chihpen wetland case and make rethink about Taiwan legal system relating to ecology system protection. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that it is necessary to change the relationship between human being and nature now and using law as a tool to affect human’s behavior. This thesis submits that right of nature is an appropriate way to make the balancing process more fair and let stake holders enter to the negotiation table. In other word, it reminds people how important nature is and think prudently when making decision about nature. In addition, this thesis proposes that the judiciary involving indigenous people and NGO is a suitable way to break the deadlock concerning the nature protection in the politic fields. On the other side, the implementation of right of nature must consider the context in the country. The most important thing is to make sure that government and people totally reevaluate their relationship between nature, which means nature is not just resource, but our home.


陳慈陽(2011)。《環境法總論: 二〇一二年修訂三版》。新北:自刊。
