  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategies and Core Competencies of Consumer Banking in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱文儀


台灣各類金融機構眾多,金管會亦許可三家純網銀之設立,而流行疫情改變人們的生活,金融支付以及電子商務日趨重要。金融業競爭日益激烈、市場變動以及科技演進皆十分快速,本研究欲探究在一片紅海中之消費金融業務取得商業上之成功所建構的競爭策略以及所仰賴的核心能力,提供國內金融機構發展消費金融業務之建議。   本研究挑選出四家在消費金融服務上具代表性且市佔率高的金融機構,再針對此四家金融機構之消費者進行問卷調查,以量化方式分析影響消費者選擇的因素,並歸結金融機構之競爭策略以及其核心能力。本研究發現,台灣消費金融業務中首重差異化策略,再者為全面成本領導策略,而集中化策略是較不須被考慮之策略方向。企業策略建構構面則可拆解為接近市場能力以及功能相關能力,所需之核心能力種類為技術能力、行銷能力以及整合能力。   本研究據問卷分析結果予以未來消費金融營運業務上之四點建議,然消費者樣本取得、競爭策略調查對象以及問卷項目有所限制,未來研究上若能突破此限制,將會使研究更全面,更具意義。


There were many types of financial institutions in Taiwan, and the FSC had also approved the establishment of three online-only banks. COVID-19 had changed people's lives, and e-commerce had become increasingly important. With the increasingly fierce competition in the financial industry, rapid market changes and technological evolution, the purpose of this study was to find out the competitive strategies and core competencies in consumer banking to achieve commercial success, and provide the recommendations for domestic financial institutions. The author selected four financial institutions that were representative and had high market shares in consumer banking, conduct a questionnaire survey on consumers of these four banks, and concluded their competitive strategies and core competencies. This study found the first priority was differentiation strategies, and then overall cost leadership strategies. The core competencies required were technological competencies, marketing competencies, and integrative competencies. Based on the results of the questionnaire analysis, this study provided four suggestions for future consumer banking operations. However, there were three restrictions about questionnaire survey. If this restriction could be dealt with in future research, the research would be more comprehensive and more meaningful.


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