  • 學位論文


A survey of household dog and cat,stray dog population in Taipei City

指導教授 : 費昌勇教授


在台灣,寵物及流浪犬是重要之社會議題,為了解台北市目前動物情況,於民國九十二年三月起,調查本年台北市流浪犬及家犬、家貓總數,以及市民對流浪犬、流浪貓困擾程度的評估。 本次流浪犬數目的調查採用世界衛生組織(WHO)發行的狗口族群管理指南(Guideline for dog population management)中的捕捉比率計算法(estimate from rate of capture)所改良的方法。於調查時二人一組,在選定之地區內按固定路線地毯式搜索,遇有流浪犬出現即拍照,照片中重複出現的狗不予計數,連續進行五日後,估算出該區流浪犬數目,再以該地區人口數與流浪犬之比率與該行政區總人口數推算出該行政區流浪犬總數,將各行政區流浪犬總數加總後可得全市流浪犬總數。而家犬家貓數目等之調查是以電話問卷的方式進行。 台北市家犬與流浪犬之年度調查自民國88年開始,今(民國92)年家犬共有246,792隻,較去年同期增加了26,586隻(91年同期為220,206隻)。流浪犬方面今年僅6,998隻,較去年同期下降了38.1%。家貓共有59,580隻,較去年同期增加了1,158隻(91年同期為58,422隻)。平均每戶養貓數略為增加,而養貓戶百分比則略為下降。對流浪犬流浪貓困擾程度調查:32.5%的受訪者覺得流浪犬有困擾,而28.2%的受訪者覺得流浪貓有困擾。


家犬 家貓 流浪犬 族群數目調查


The population count of stray dog, household dog and cat is an important part of animal management. In stray dog ,photograph recaptured method is used and witch is recommended by “guideline for dog population management”(WHO publication) ,it is modified by estimate from rate of capture . First, select and mark area(s) from maps. At each selected area, capture stray dogs by photograph over 5 days. The number of new stray dogs counted each day is plotted vertically and the number of strays dogs counted previously plotted horizontally (thus day 1 starts at 0). A line connecting these points can be extended to the point at witch no more stray dogs could be captured (zero on the vertical scale). In household dog and cat, we collected data by means of telephone questionnaires. The minimum sample is 1200 households. Households were selected by use of a computer program that generated a random sample of telephone numbers assigned to each administrative unit in Taipei city. Dog population survey in Taipei city had started since 1999. By this year, 2003, there were 246,792 household dogs counted, that is an increase of 26,586 in comparison with last year (220,206). And the household cat counted as 59,580 cats, that is an increase of 1158 cats in comparison with last year (58,422). In stray dog, this survey counted 6,998 stray dogs in Taipei city. As for tolerance of civilians toward stray dogs and cats problems, 32.5% of civilians feels disturbed by stray dogs and 28.2% of civilians feels disturbed by stray cats.


household dog cat stray dog


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