  • 學位論文


The International Competitive Strategies of Digital Content Industry:The Case of Digital Game

指導教授 : 吳青松


數位遊戲產業近年來在全球各地的蓬勃發展有目共睹。我國政府所提出的「兩兆雙星」產業政策中,將「數位內容」列為「雙星」之一,而其中的「數位遊戲」產業列為「數位內容」中必須優先發展的重點產業,可見政府對數位遊戲產業的重視程度。 本研究旨在了解現有數位遊戲市場之演進過程,分析其產業結構與市場狀況,並進而研究數位遊戲主要發展國家之競爭力所在,探討其國家優勢如何產生。藉由了解各國的競爭優勢,並分析台灣數位遊戲市場的發展與競爭條件,對產業未來的發展提出具體建議。 本研究第一部份從對數位遊戲產業之市場區隔開始,針對數位遊戲產業價值鏈中之各項價值活動進行分析。其後,就數位遊戲全球市場現況及發展趨勢加以探討,並針對電視遊戲機遊戲、線上遊戲與手機遊戲三大市場之產業演進、特性及未來趨勢深入研究,並於三大遊戲市場中,分別對於其主要發展之國家,逐一進行探討。 第二部份採用學者波特在國家競爭優勢中所提出的鑽石模型理論,以國家的角度,針對電視遊戲機遊戲發展主力之美、日兩國,線上遊戲之南韓、中、美三國,以及手機遊戲之日、美、南韓三國,對其國家競爭優勢條件分別進行研究,並將各國之國家競爭力分析進行綜合比較。 最後將重心放於台灣市場,針對台灣數位遊戲之市場發展、產業概況及主要業者動態進行分析,並進而探討台灣發展數位遊戲產業條件之各項優劣勢,然後綜合所有前述分析,提出策略建議,以做為政府單位與相關遊戲業者之參考。


The digital game industry has grown tremendously in the past few years. In Taiwan, the government has identified the “Digital Content” industry as one of the two rising stars in the “Two Trillions, Twin Stars” national industry development plan, with “Digital Game” as its top development priority. This study proposes to understand the industry structure, the evolvement, and the market development of digital game industry, and further, to look into the competitive advantages of the major countries of digital game. Finally, this study considers the market development and the competitive advantages of digital game industry in Taiwan, and provides specific suggestions. The study starts with understanding the definitions of three segments in digital game market, and analyzing the activities of value chain for digital game industry. Then, it investigates the market situation and the developmental trends for global digital game market, TV game market, PC & Online game market, and mobile game market, respectively. At the same time, the study finds out the major countries of three game segments, and separately discusses the development of these countries. The following Chapter 5 refers to Michael Porter’s “Competitive Advantages of Nations”, which uses the Diamond Model to identify a nation’s advantages. This study researches the competitive advantages of digital game for America, Japan, South Korea, and China, and makes the comprehensive comparison at the end of this chapter. Finally, the study analyzes the evolvement, the industry structure and the market development of digital game industry in Taiwan, and looks into the competitive strengths and weaknesses through Diamond Model. In conclusion, based on the results of above, this study provides strategic recommendations to the Government and digital game companies, respectively.


Mougayar, W. (1998) Opening Digital Markets:Battle Plans and Business Strategies for Internet Commerce, New York:McGraw-Hill.
Porter, M.E.,(1980) Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free Press
Porter, M.E.,(1985) Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press


