  • 學位論文


The Influence of Children’s School Travel Patterns on Social Networks: Empirical Analysis of Elementary School Students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 林楨家


兒童通學由同儕陪同,可以在過程中與同儕互動、分享學校生活、個人經驗或分享秘密,以達到增進彼此的關係,對兒童的社會發展有很大助益,並強化兒童的社會網絡。過去關於兒童通學之旅運研究,主要著眼於通學安全及運具選擇對於兒童的生理健康影響,但鮮少研究關注通學陪同方式對於兒童的社會層面的影響。鑒此,本研究欲釐清兒童通學陪同方式與社會網絡之理論關係。 根據文獻回顧與訪談結果,歸納出影響兒童社會網絡的重要因素,包括生理、心理、外在表現、家庭因素、社經地位等五大面向,做為研究之控制變數。在社會網絡資料蒐集方面,social-cognitive map (SCM) 被廣泛運用在社會網絡研究中,藉由詢問兒童的好朋友是誰,並請他們提名,進而建立網絡關係。社會網絡的指標選擇size (網絡大小)、in degree (被提名數)、eigenvector centrality、core/periphery (核心/邊陲)及自編P_F值,做為依變數,分別從基本描述網絡的大小,到利用in degree與eigenvector centrality捕捉兒童的受歡迎程度,以及位於網絡中的重要性等。P_F值則是表現通學陪同名單中,同時為好朋友的比例,意在表示通學互動的關係強度。 研究對象來自新北市板橋區H國小的六年級學童,使用問卷進行調查,並使用Tobit model、次序羅吉特,與二項羅吉特進行模式校估。根據實證結果,發現兒童通學陪同方式對於社會網絡有顯著影響,與同儕相處時間越長、同儕陪同規模越大,對於社會網絡有正向影響,成年人的陪同卻有負向影響。然而,並非所有與同儕相關之變數對於社會網絡皆有助益。上學旅次的同儕規模越大,對於社會網絡卻呈負向影響,推測與樣本特性有關,尚待後續研究釐清原因。 本研究釐清通學陪同方式對於社會網絡的影響,具有推進理論連結之貢獻。根據實證結果,通學由同儕陪同對於兒童社交生活有許多正向影響,建議學校可推行相關策略,鼓勵兒童多與同儕通學,以增進同儕關係,並培養社交能力。


通學方式 社會網絡 兒童


Commuting with peers during school travel creates social benefits to children. With peer companies, children can share school life, personal feelings and even secrets with each other; therefore, it might strengthen children’s social networks. Previous researches of school travel focused on safety and physical health of children, but studies of social domain were quite few. This study tried to link the relationships between school travel patterns and social networks of children. Based on literature review and interviews, this study selected important influential variables to a child’s social networks as control variables, which include physical, psychological, appearance/performance, family relationship, and socioeconomic statuses. In social network studies, social-cognitive map (SCM) is a well-used method to find who children’s best friends are, and then build the network. Social network indicators like size, in degree, eigenvector centrality and core/periphery were used as dependent variables. Sixth grade students were selected as study sample from an elementary school in Banciao District, New Taipei City. The samples were collected by a questionnaire survey and analyzed by ordered logit model, Tobit model, and binary logit model. The empirical evidence shows that school travel patterns do influence children’s social networks. Generally, the more time and larger scale with peers are beneficial to social networks, but accompanied by adults has negative influence to social networks. However, it is not for certain, we can see some exceptions in the results that peer scale’s effect on social networks is negative in to-school travel. These expectations could be related to characteristics of samples, and need further researches to clarify their reasons. The contribution of this research lies in clarifying the influences of school travel patterns on social networks, which bridges the gap of previous researches. According to the results, accompanied by peers has a lot positive influences to child’s social life. Therefore, this study recommends that school authorities can promote a policy like “go to school with friends more” to encourage children to develop peer relationships and social capability during school travels.


School travel pattern Social network Child


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