  • 學位論文


Analysis of Consumption Behavior and Satisfaction in Fast-Food Stores - Case Study of MOS Burger

指導教授 : 林建元


都市地區不但生活步調緊張,因為地價高,住家空間狹小,速食店不僅提供方便的餐飲,也替代部分家庭客廳,成為社會交流的空間。本研究之主要目的是以台北市的摩斯漢堡作為研究對象,透過問卷調查及統計分析之研究過程,探討摩斯漢堡消費者的空間消費特性和滿意度,並從消費者重視之服務項目,探討速食店商業空間的經營管理改進方向。 本研究將消費者對空間消費的滿意度,分為「服務品質」、「環境與氣氛」、「硬體設施」等三個構面,並將各項服務內容及空間特性加以歸類,對前來摩斯漢堡店消費之消費者進行空間滿意度的調查。研究顯示,消費者對摩斯漢堡店最為滿意的空間特性為「提供用餐區洗手台」,其次是「座位無使用時間限制」,及「到桌送餐服務」。從消費者滿意程度之差異比較,歸納出三項滿意度因素,分別為「店面環境與氣氛」、「硬體設備」、「服務提供與方便性」。 針對消費者之期待與滿意度進行「重要-績效」分析後,本研究發現消費者認為摩斯漢堡最需改善之項目為「店面其它顧客公民素養良好」、「座位配置間隔適當」、「座椅舒適」、「提供插座或無線網路」等項目。此外,為進一步對摩斯的消費族群及消費行為加以瞭解,本研究根據消費目的之不同,將前來摩斯店面用餐之消費者分為「空間使用型」與「用餐享受型」二群,空間使用群消費者之消費目的以使用店面的空間從事非飲食活動為主,用餐享受型消費者之消費目的則以為主。兩個不同集群的消費者,在社經背景的部份項目有顯著差異,在消費行為的方面,則無顯著差異。根據分析結果顯示,摩斯漢堡作為都市中的商業消費空間,消費者對摩斯有相當高之滿意度,摩斯若能維持並改善服務,不但有助營運競爭力,更可為社會交流作出貢獻。


Life in urban area is not only fast-paced, but also facing to high housing price with small living spaces. As a result, in addition to the provision of food and beverage with great convenience, fast-food stores are used as spaces for social interaction. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the consumer behavior and satisfaction in the use of fast-food stores space through a case study on MOS Burger fast-food chain stores in Taipei City. Furthermore, the improvements for better operation and management in fast-food store spaces are discussed. The satisfaction of consumption in fast-food store space is composed of three different aspects, namely, “service quality”, “environment and atmosphere” and “hardware facilities”. Through site observation, interview, and questionnaire survey, the satisfaction of space consumption in MOS burger’s sample stores are investigated. It is found in this research that consumer satisfaction ranks from ”providing washing sink in dining area”, “no time limit on seat use”, and down to “delivering meals to table”. Through factor analysis, consumer satisfaction can be explained by three key factors, namely, ”environment and atmosphere in the store”, ”hardware facility” and “service and convenience”. With “Importance and Performance Analysis”, this study found that four main items need to be improved in MOS Burger, they are: ” courtesy of consumers”, ” layout of seat and table”, ”comfort on seat”, and ”provision of socket and wireless network” Through cluster analysis, the consumers of MOS burger can be grouped into two main different clusters, namely, ”space-use oriented user”, and “eat and atmosphere-enjoyed oriented users”. The consumption purpose of “eat and atmosphere-enjoyed oriented users” group is mainly for eating-related activities, and the consumption purpose of “space-use oriented users” is mainly for the use of space in fast-food restaurant. In addition to the analysis of relationship between consumer characteristics and space satisfaction in MOS Burger provides, this research also concludes that more improvement of service quality will not only enhance the competitiveness of MOS Burger, but also making more significant contribution to social interaction among people in the urban communities.


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