  • 學位論文


Study of Environmental Engineering Education training and Labor requirements

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


現在社會資訊發達,全球化趨勢打破國家界線,環境問題從發生到處理,具備跨領域及多元的特性,牽涉層面廣泛,在日趨複雜的環境變化下,環境工程教育的培育,是否與時並進,是本研究欲檢視探討的問題。 本研究之研究目的有二: 1.了解環境工程人力需求。 2.以台大環工所課程為例,檢視我國研究型大學課程是否與時並進。 由於國內外相關研究極其有限,本研究的研究設計,先利用文獻分析法與半結構式訪談法,從理論面與實務面了解環境人力所需具備的相關技能(態度�價值觀、能力、知識),彙整出環境人力需求總表。再以台大環工所課程為研究案例,與上述彙整出的環境人力需求進行對比,檢視台大環工所課程現況。再對國內外幾所環境相關研究所課程,進行複合式案例研究,以檢視台大環工所課程現況。 雙管齊下對台大環工所課程現況進行檢視,得出研究結論如下: 一、環工人力素質需求。 二、人力需求與課程落差現況。 三、國內外環工高教課程檢視。 最後,將研究過程中遇到的限制提出,以利後續相關研究進行,建議如下: 1.礙於現實狀況,本研究進行了工研院、中技社與SGS檢測公司的訪談,後續研究可以再加入環境顧問公司、企業界的環境部門,公部門的環境單位,以便對用人單位對相關人力的期望有更全面的了解。 2.人力學用落差狀況是全國性的議題,本研究對於人力的素質需求做出初步研究,建議後續研究可以對培育單位(如:各級學校)與各用人單位再進行細部分流,深入探討供需方的期望與目標是否有銜接上的落差,以達人盡其才。 3.建議可以規劃出台大環工所的課程架構圖,從核心價值、相關知識(基本、專業)、對應能力(基本、進階)三個層面呈現立體面向的概念,檢視相關師資、課程比重與調整空間。


The field of environmental engineering keeps developing with the various environment and society. It’s important to ensure the environmental engineering curriculum is suitable for students to overcome the challenges in future. The following are two purposes of this research: 1. To figure out the environmental labor market’s requirements. 2. To examine the environmental engineering curriculum at National Taiwan University.   To integrate the theories and practices, this paper collects references about environmental labor market’s requirements and uses in-depth interviews to get the experiences and information from environmental managers. In addition, this paper also collects some environmental engineering curriculum cases to compare with NTU’s for examination.   The following are findings: 1. The requirements of environmental labor market. 2. The gap between the labor requirements and curriculum. 3. The examination of higher environmental engineering education. There are three suggestions in the end of this research: 1. In order to conclude more comprehensive understanding, researchers could arrange more interviewees in different environmental fields. 2. The gap between supply and application is an important issue. The research in the future could classify more detail on different schools and employers. 3. In order to examine the curriculum of Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University more specifically, researcher could construct a curriculum frame diagram from value, skill and knowledge.


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