  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Functional Polyurethane-urea Oligomers

指導教授 : 林江珍


本實驗設計一新型聚氨酯型高分子為解決實驗室奈米黏土之脫層劑具有環境賀爾蒙雙酚A,及合成原料成本較高問題。藉由新型聚氨酯型高分子在離子化後與奈米黏土進行離子交換後,可得脫層型有機改質黏土。脫層型有機改質黏土可當作催化劑、吸附劑、奈米複合材料、藥物釋放劑、分散劑。脫層後之奈米黏土,其機械性質、熱性質,及在溶劑中分散能力皆大幅增加。而本新型新型聚氨酯型高分子,則是兩端帶有胺基團,具有親水性,在離子化之後可溶於水,主鏈中則同時具有親水性基團和疏水性基團,為一雙親性高分子,其一特性對於奈米黏土之插層/脫層機制有良好的效果。脫層型有機改質黏土在乾燥之後依然保持脫層狀態,且於水中分散良好,有效避免沉降現象發生。 脫層型有機改質黏土經 X-光散射 (X-ray Diffraction, XRD) 鑑定後,黏土層間距由原始之 12 Å 達脫層狀態,證實新型聚氨酯型高分子與鈉離子交換進入黏土層間,得到一脫層型有機改質黏土;利用霍氏轉換紅外光譜儀 (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FT-IR) 則可用於鑑定聚氨酯型高分子中的官能基,最後利用胺滴定及溶解度測試確認聚氨酯型高分子的性質。


有機黏土 分散劑 脫層劑 聚氨酯


We designed a novelty Amine-Terminated Polyurethane-urea (ATPU) to solve the problems, which is our past exfoliating agent containing endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) Bisphenol A functional group and the high-cost of raw material, such as POP amine and POE amine. The exfoliated organoclays can be used as catalysts, adsorbents, nanocomposites and encapsulating agents for biomacromolecules. The exfoliated organoclays also have better mechanical properties, thermal properties and solvent resistant properties, which had been reported. ATPU has amino group as end group, which can solute in acidified aqueous solution, and the backbone has poly(oxypropylene) (POP) and poly(oxyethylene) (POE) group, which make it have amphiphilic property, such property has good effect in exfoliation and intercalation. Exfoliated organoclays remain exfoliation state after drying and well-dispersed in water. The exfoliated organoclays were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the basal spacing structure were exfoliated (in reference to 12 Å for Na+-MMT), which confirmed ionic exchange reaction of sodium montmorillonite (Na+-MMT) with ATPU. The functional group of ATPU was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and the properties were confirmed by Amine Titration and Solubility Test.


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