  • 學位論文


Discussion of the control and Inspection Analysis of Dioxin in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李心予


中文摘要 戴奧辛被稱為世紀之毒並且有非常嚴重污染性,依斯德哥爾摩公約被列為持久性有機污染物(Pops),且會造成環境污染及造成人體的傷害,還會引發特有的皮膚病氯痤瘡,1997年國際癌症研究中心將其歸類為人類確定致癌物,使人們聞之色變,其在動物體中形成生物累積透過食物鏈進而影響人體,我國政府應明定嚴格法令來加以規範。 國際間法規有巴塞爾公約及斯德哥爾摩兩大公約對戴奧辛進行把關,前者限制戴奧辛廢棄物移動管制,後者則限制戴奧辛廢棄物排放之規範。以兩大公約中提出戴奧辛類化合物排放減量及回收處理方法之相關法令作為我國法令未來修定方向。本文以我國現行法令和兩大公約作為比對,找出最適合我國對戴奧辛類化合物管制最佳方案,同時對我國目前戴奧辛類化合物檢驗方法進行深入研討,提出更有效率檢驗方式,供環保署稽查管理人員使用,藉此降低環境及食品被污染的機會,找出對抗戴奧辛污染的新思維。 研究後發現我國環保法規對戴奧辛之規範屬於十分充足,但是在食品安全控管部分仍有不足之處,應盡可能地以消除戴奧辛為目的。故我國法規仍有相當大的進步空間,因此建議修法的方向包括增修飼料中含有戴奧辛含量之規定並詳加規範及主管機關對產牧場及食品廠加強抽驗等,未來將對戴奧辛類化合物驗測著重在畜產動物本身,作為第一線檢查,並將生物檢測法納入戴奧辛快速抽驗的查核項目,以提高檢驗之效能。


ABSTRACT Dioxin is considered the poison of the century and is a dangerous pollutant, listed as one of the persistent organic pollutants in the Stockholm Convention. Dioxin not only pollutes the environment but also cause bodily harm to the human body, the exposure to which would result in dermatological pathologies such as chloracne. In 1997 the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified dioxin as a known human carcinogen, striking terror in the general public. Since dioxin accumulates in the human food chain and impacts human health through the intake of animal foodstuff, our government ought to set clear regulations to control the negative impact of the substance. In international law, the Brussels Convention and the Stockholm Convention have regulations targeting dioxin, the former restricting the moving of dioxin-contaminated waste, while the latter limiting the disposal of dioxin-contaminated waste. The relevant clauses in the two conventions concerning dioxin ought to serve as guidance for the future amendment goals of our laws and regulations. This paper compares the current laws in our country with the two conventions, and identify the optimal course of regulating dioxin compounds from our country's perspective. Also, this paper conducts an in-depth discussion on the compound testing of dioxin to propose a more efficient way of testing that could be used by the inspection and management personnel from the Environmental Protection Agency, so to lower the chances of environmental and food source contamination and find new approaches against dioxin pollution. The research finds that our country's environmental regulation of dioxin is quite adequate, but the safety management of foodstuff remains inadequate, and ought to be eliminated as much as possible. Our country's laws have much to improve, and the recommended course of action includes the addition of regulating the dioxin content in livestock feed and enhanced random testing of farms and food manufacturing plants. Future improvement of dioxin as a chemical compound would focus on the livestock as the first line of inspection. Bioassay ought to be incorporated into the rapid testing inspection program to improve testing efficiency.


Dioxin Pops


1. 中華民國重大環境事件彙編(2011.11)
2. 蔡岡廷&王建楠(2007)戴奧辛污染與健康危害. 中華職業醫學雜誌, 14(4), 261-268
3. 簡汝珊(2017)我國環境法規對戴奧辛管制之研究. 中興大學法律學系科技法律碩士班學位論文, 1-155
