  • 學位論文


Cross-scale estimation of forest aboveground biomass in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃倬英


在這個全球氣候變遷的世代,瞭解碳吸存顯得格外重要。森林生態系蘊含極為豐富的生物量,在碳循環過程中,扮演著非常重要的角色。因此,了解森林植物儲存之生物量,是研究全球碳收支非常重要的一部分。而台灣地區森林面積廣大,可蘊含之碳儲存量相當可觀,準確估測台灣地區森林生物量成為重要的一環。因此,本研究提出兩種新的方法,希望能有效率且精確的估測台灣地區森林生物量。 第一,因為傳統生物量測量方法,多利用材積公式或胸高直徑推估生物量,但這些公式大都只適用於單一樹種或小尺度研究區,因此第一個子研究希望能利用整理過去研究已建立之胸高直徑-生物量公式,建立出全台灣各樹種通用之生物量推估模式。本研究共蒐集28筆闊葉樹(n = 276)與10筆針葉樹(n = 320)資料,分別製作闊葉樹與針葉樹之通用生物量推估模式,而結果顯示兩種生物量通用推估模式之可解釋力都大於80% (p-value < 0.0001)。且經過驗證,誤差率(±標準差)為32.05 ± 29.61 Mg ha^-1,絕對誤差/平均比為24.6%,顯示出通用模式準確的估測力。 另外,傳統測量森林生物量之作法,非常耗時費力,且侷限在小尺度森林生物量的研究。而遙測影像因具有獲取大尺度連續性資料之特性,有越來越多研究者使用遙測影像進行與森林生物量相關之研究。第二個子研究結合從遙測影像中萃取出的可行光合植物所占比率資訊與現地生物量資料,找出兩者之間的關聯性,建構出台灣地區大尺度森林生物量的估測模式,並藉以推導出全台灣之生物量。本研究共蒐集與分析8個研究樣區與數張Landsat影像,建立出之生物量推估模式可解釋程度達到79% (p-value = 0.003)。而利用此生物量推估模式,並藉由生物量-碳儲存量轉換係數推導出台灣地區平均碳儲存量為79.58 Mg C ha^-1,並可進一步推估全台灣森林地區碳儲存量為140.59 Tg (1Tg= 10^12g)。 綜合言之,本研究使用兩種不同尺度(現地與區域尺度)之方法,進行台灣地區森林生物量推估,除了可使未來進行現地生物量推估不再受該樹種有無生物量推估模式限制,亦展現了遙測技術研究大尺度森林生物量之可行性。未來如果能夠合併兩不同尺度的估測方式,或許可以系統性的監測台灣森林地區碳含量的變化。這些研究成果對頻繁受到人為或自然干擾的台灣而言,是相當重要的。


Forests store a substantial amount of carbon (C) in terrestrial environments of the biosphere. In Taiwan, a substantial amount of areas are occupied by forests, so we must estimate accurately of forest biomass in Taiwan. This study attempts to propose two general methods of different scales to facilitate the estimation of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) (Mg ha-1) in Taiwan. Field biomass measurement usually uses diameter at breast height (DBH) to estimate AGB for each individual plant. However, in most cases, these formulas are species-specific. Therefore, the objective of the first study is to generate general allometrics based upon previous research efforts to enhance the efficiency of field AGB observations. We integrated 28 broadleaved (n = 276) and 10 conifer species (n = 320), to derive general allometrics for both tree forms. Results showed that there were significant (p-value < 0.0001) curvilinear relationships between AGB and DBH (R2=0.80 and 0.87, respectively); these DBH-based models can estimate AGB precisely by comparing with another independent set of validation data (absolute error ±standard deviation = 32.05 ± 29.61 Mg ha^-1; absolute error/mean ratio = 24.6%). A conventional field method to measure forest AGB is time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, it is limited to a small spatial extent. Contrarily, remote sensing can indirectly observe surface characteristics over a vast region, which may facilitate estimating forest AGB. In the second study, I utilized remote sensing techniques in concert with field AGB data, to estimate forest AGB for Taiwan. I acquired geo-registered Landsat images from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The images were atmospherically corrected using a radiative transfer model, and shadow and cloud pixels were removed using algorithms. I then utilized an advanced spectral mixture analysis model to extract fractional green vegetation cover from the images. Our finding indicates that fractional green vegetation cover can be used to estimate AGB variation for about 79% (p-value = 0.003). By using this remote sensing-based AGB model, I estimated the mean forest C storage in Taiwan forest is 79.58 Mg C ha^-1, and the total C storage in Taiwan is 140.59 Tg (1Tg = 10^12 gram). In summary, this study used two different methods to estimate forest AGB in Taiwan. By using these methods, researchers can estimate forest AGB efficiently. By integrating these two approaches, we might be able to monitor forest C dynamics in Taiwan systematically. This is important since the island is frequently perturbed by anthropogenic and natural disturbances.


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