  • 學位論文


The Crossover and Intertwinement of Taiwanese and Japanese Traditional Chinese Writing: A Study on Nakamura Okei, a Japanese in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period

指導教授 : 黃美娥


本文以1899年來臺任職國語學校教授的日本漢文人中村忠誠為討論中心,藉由研究此個案之生平及文學表現,回應「臺日漢文關係」之議題。透過中村氏個人與文學的詳細討論而向外連結,考察臺灣、日本兩地的漢文情形、文化在臺灣的交滲與發展、臺灣特質如何影響文學創作、文學作品如何認識並表現臺灣,而經由日人漢文書寫,臺灣如何在東亞區域中登場。在日本以漢學為志,在臺灣以漢文為業的中村氏,其生命歷程是為一縮影,是臺日漢文跨界交錯關係的具象展示,是東亞空間多元文化交流的實例演練,是臺灣山川自然與文學書寫相互輝映的力行落實。 觀察其生平,發現中村氏早年因經濟狀況與工作性質,於文學上較無著墨。而藉由漢文人社群網絡,中村氏在半百之年獲得於海外殖民地開展事業第二春的機會,而擁有較好的漢文散文寫作條件。本文認為,「臺灣」於其文學生涯的地位非常重要,其創作高峰正與臺灣生活時期重疊,質與量皆有精彩的表現,其中最引人注目的是遊歷臺北山川之後所寫就之大量遊記,展現其細膩觀察與特殊視點。 本文注意到中村氏在各種不同情境中的「位置」及其「邊緣」的特性:在身分上,因時代與政治的變動由原武士階級降為普通的士族。於近代化西學浪潮中,選擇堅持漸乏人問津的漢學學術體系。在文學上,直到老年才成為日本東京漢文壇的重要創作者。   藉此,本文分析中村氏來臺後幽微的心境轉變,臺北的遊覽,不僅是寫作資材,更是重新發現自己與外在世界關係的鑰匙。另外由人際交遊與文友切磋來顯現臺灣與日本在中村氏的生活與創作間,如何交錯並且提供寄託以安頓其生命。最後則反思日本漢文人的研究對於臺灣古典文學討論的意義。


This paper adopts the life and literature performance of Nakamura Okei, a Japanese sinologist who came to Taiwan in 1899 and taught at the Language Grammar School (Taipei Municipal University of Education) to correspond with the issue of the “Relations of Taiwan and Japan Traditional Chinese Writing”. Through the detailed discussion on Nakamura and his literature, the traditional Chinese writing of Taiwan and Japan, the cultural development in Taiwan, the impact of Taiwanese features on literature creation, the acknowledgement and performance of the literature works on Taiwan, and the emergence of Taiwan in East Asia through Japanese-Chinese writing are studied. Sinology was Nakamura’s ambition and desire when he was in Japan, and Chinese writing was his career while he was in Taiwan. His life experience was the presentation of the crossover and intertwinement of Taiwanese and Japanese traditional Chinese writing, the practical exercise of East Asian multi-cultural exchange, and the implementation of the reflection of Taiwan’s mountains and rivers and literature writing. It is found that Nakamura did not have too much literature achievement in the early years of his life due to his financial status and work type. When he was 50, he obtained the second career opportunity in the oversea colony through the sinologist social network, and further created better Chinese prose writing conditions. This paper thinks that “Taiwan” played a significant role in his literature career; his creation peak period overlaps with the time he was living in Taiwan, which resulted in the brilliant performance of literature quality and quantity. In which, the large amount of travel notes he wrote after visiting the mountains and rivers in Taipei are the most noticeable, and have shown his delicate observation and special perspective. This paper notices the “location” and “boundary” feature of Nakamura in different circumstances: for his identity status, he was demoted from an Upper Shizoku (samurai/bushi) to a Shizoku due to time and political changes. In the modernized western trend, he chose sinology which attracted less and less interest from others. In literature, he only became an important creator in Tokyo’s Sinology field in his late years.   This paper analyzes Nakamura’s slight mood changes after coming to Taiwan. The visits around Taipei were not only the writing material, but also the key that assisted him to rediscover the relationship between himself and the world. In addition, the impact of Taiwan and Japan on the intertwinement of Nakamura’s life and creation are presented, and the sustenance is provided to settle his life through his interpersonal relationship with others. Finally, the implication of Japanese sinologist studies on Taiwanese classical literature discussion is reviewed.


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