  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of an Automatic Image Tracking System for Wildlife

指導教授 : 謝志誠
共同指導教授 : 江昭皚(Joe-Air Jiang)


近來,應用數位相機蒐集之影像或影片等多媒體資訊技術,探討野生動物生態與環境變遷之間相互關係的研究日漸趨多。現今計算機技術、半導體製程、以及無線傳輸技術快速發展,促使遠端即時生態監測之可能性大增,除減少人力資源支出,同時使得宣導生態保育更加多元。然而,目前監測系統的可操作性低弱且於系統耗能問題考量不足,導致系統無法根據研究人員之需求進而改變監測模式,亦無法獨立長期運作。有鑑於此,本研究研製一套影像監測系統,完整設計包括前端硬體至後端軟體。配合太陽能電池之前端硬體設計著重於低耗能、耐候性、以及穩定度。後端軟體需即時呈現前端回傳之影像,並可遠端發佈控制指令改變前端監測模式,提供不同服務予研究人員以及一般民眾。 馬祖列島的燕鷗自然保護區涵蓋馬祖列島附近之八座島嶼,為每年春夏之際燕鷗繁殖之重要棲息地,其中黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗於全世界僅存不至50隻,使得此棲息地更突顯其重要性。本研究係以燕鷗繁殖生態作為監測對象,主要監測對象為鳳頭燕鷗,更希冀紀錄黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗於繁殖間之行為。在此前提下,系統需面臨無人島上嚴苛氣候之考驗,風吹、日曬、雨淋以及各種不可預期之天候狀態,同時亦可證明本系統之穩定性。 本研究在2012/3/22架設影像監測系統於中島及鐵尖島各一套,同年4/27於蛇島架設一套,中島增設一套,鐵尖島增設兩套,共六套系統於保護區運作。各系統運作證明其穩定性及長期監測之功能。本系統具備遠端指令控制功能,可成功改變前端影像監測系統工作情形,並且提供影像資料補傳功能。此功能可有效節省傳輸資源並將遺失之重要資料回傳之後端。本研究提出之影像監測系統在節能、即時性、穩定性、以及資料連續性都高於現有系統,甚至提供彈性極高之遠端控制功能。


In recent years, studies of using digital cameras to monitor wildlife have significantly increased. Researchers utilize cameras to collect multimedia information, such as images and videos, and then study the relationship between wildlife and environmental change. Nowadays, remote and real-time ecological monitoring is widely used because of the rapid development of wireless communication, semiconductors, and computers. This monitoring method reduces the devotion of manpower and efficiently propagates the idea of wildlife conservation to the public. In present systems, low flexibility and high power consumption limit the possible applications and also the lifetime of the systems. As a consequence, the goal of this study is to develop an image-monitoring system including hardware design, firmware design, and software design. Low power consumption, weather resistance, and stability are the most important parts of hardware design. Considerations of firmware design include remote control, data recovery, and self-diagnosis. Software design must follow the rules in all mechanisms and provide command-announcing function to researchers and multi-information to the public. The Matsu Islands Tern Refuge covers eight small islands near Matsu. Terns arrive in the refuge in May and breed their nestlings from June to August. There are five kinds of terns who choose to use the refuge as a habitat. The number of the Chinese crested tern (Thalasseus bernsteini) is less than 50 on Earth, making the refuge an essential conservation effort. In this study, we choose the crested tern (Sterna bergii) as the monitoring target and hope to record the breeding behavior of the Chinese crested tern. Consequently, the proposed system has to face the severe environmental factors an the islands. Also, this is a chance to prove the stability of proposed system. Six image-monitoring systems are developed in the refuge. Two were implemented on March 3, 2012, and the rest on April 27, 2012. All the systems show the stability and capability of long-term monitoring. Remote control allows researchers to set up system parameters. Data recovery effectively conserves power and successfully re-transmits the loss data. This study proposes a well-established system that displays better performance in energy efficiency, real-time data transmission, stability, and data continuity. Particularly, the function of remote control stands out above the present systems.


方煒。2006。田間伺服器與無線感測網路的國內外發展。作物、環境與生物資訊。3:pp 76-93。
