  • 學位論文


Health Situation, Socioeconomic Position and their Associations with Employees’ Sickness Absence in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


背景:工作者因為健康因素而無法工作,長年來為歐盟各國關切的議題。許多國外學術研究指出,除工作者個人的健康狀況之外,影響「因病缺勤」天數的因素包含個人、職場與國家社會三大層面。在個人層面,「社會經濟階層」是影響健康狀況與因病缺勤天數的重要因素。國際文獻指出,工作者的社會經濟階層較低,有較差的健康狀況;但較高社會經濟階層的工作者,卻有較高的因病缺勤狀況。社會階層對於工作者健康及因病缺勤的影響,台灣至今仍少有研究。 目標:此研究旨在檢視台灣受僱者因病缺勤的狀況,並探討健康狀況及社會經濟階層對因病缺勤的相關。 方法:本研究利用勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所於2010年舉辦的「工作環境安全衛生狀況認知調查」,調查內容包含社會經濟階層 (職等及教育程度)、健康狀況 (確診疾病及自覺不適)、年齡、家庭負荷、工作特性 (每週工時及公司規模)、職場社會心理風險 (僱用模式、就業保障、工作控制、工作負荷及職場正義)與因病缺勤狀況。研究族群為年齡介於25-65歲之間的受僱者,共有9,503名男性與7,769名女性。 結果:最近12 個月曾經因為健康問題(包括生病、治療或醫療檢查)整天請假或無法工作的比例,男性有26.72%,低於女性的31.23%。在羅吉斯迴歸中,健康狀況越不佳者 (確診疾病數量越多或自覺不適數量越多),較易有因病缺勤的現象,且缺勤日數亦越多。而在控制控制健康狀況及其他變項後,以「職等」為社會經濟階層 (以「非技術性藍領」為參考組),男性技術性藍領工作者的因病缺勤較嚴重 (OR=1.21),缺勤日數亦較多 (少日數OR=1.18,多日數OR=1.48);而女性則為技術性白領因病缺勤較嚴重 (OR=1.19),但缺勤日數以1-9日的少日數為多 (少日數OR=1.20,多日數OR=1.09);以「教育程度」為社會經濟階層 (以「國小以下及國初中」為參考組),男性以高中職 (OR=0.79)與專科大學 (OR=0.83)的因病缺勤較少,日數亦較短,女性方面則無明顯差異。 結論與建議:相較於非技術性藍領,男性技術性藍領與女性技術性白領有較多的因病缺勤,但前者的缺勤日數較多,後者的缺勤日數則較少,應加以關注與管理。未來調查或研究應對因病缺勤定義與概念加以釐清,以利進行更精確的分析。


Background: Workers’ absence due to health related problems has been an issue of concern in many European countries. Many studies indicated that, other than workers’ health status, factors that influence the extent of sickness absence include individual socio-demographic characteristics, work conditions, and social policy systems. Among individual factors, socioeconomic position (SEP) is important that influences not only worker’ health situation but also the accessibility to sickness absence benefit. Previous studies from other countries indicated that workers with lower SEP had poor health, but in contrast, those with higher SEP were more likely to have sickness absence. Up until now, few studies have been conducted in Taiwan to explore this issue. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of sickness absence and its association with health situation and socioeconomic position among employees in Taiwan. Methods: We analyzed data from a national survey of 9,503 male and 7,769 female employees aged 25~65 years in 2010. Information with regard to socioeconomic position (employment grade and education level), health situation, age, family workload, work conditions, psychosocial hazards at work and sickness absence was obtained by a standardized questionnaire. Results: The results showed that 26.72% male and 31.23% female employees had been absent from work due to health-related problems. Findings from regression models indicated that workers with poor health were more likely to have sickness absence, and the duration of sickness absence was also longer. In male workers, skilled manual workers had a higher risk for sickness absence (OR=1.21) than low-skilled manual workers, after controlling for health status and other factors. While in female workers, skilled non-manual workers had a higher risk for sickness absence (OR=1.19) than low-skilled manual workers. When using education as the indicator of SEP, we found that in men, as compared with workers with lowest education level, those with high school degree (OR=0.79) and college degree (OR=0.83) had lower risk and shorter duration of sickness absence; but no significant association was found in female employees. Conclusion and suggestion: Compare to non-skilled manual workers, skilled manual male workers and skilled non-manual female workers were at higher risk for sickness absence. This issue should be focused and managed. Future investigation should pay attention to the definition and measure of sickness absence, to aid in-depth evaluation and analyses on this topic.


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