  • 學位論文


Communication Technology-mediated/ing Urban Anxieties: The Case of Public Payphone in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王志弘


本文爬梳都市中人與他者的關係,提出接觸與分離兩種內蘊張力的都市焦慮脈絡,並指出此兩種焦慮型態,可接合將都市人與其依存之基礎設施網絡視為一體的賽伯格主體的概念,構成雙重的焦慮結構。本文以此作為理論核心,旨在討論由都市公共設施所中介的人我關係動態、焦慮和緩解焦慮的秩序化模式。本文特別選擇以公用電話作為都市通訊裝配為經驗案例,在「移動─固著」與「分離─接觸」兩組辯證關係中,討論接觸焦慮與分離焦慮如何圍繞公用電話這個公共通訊設施,在不同的社會─技術脈絡中裝配出不同的主體樣態,並進一步考察其中不同的秩序化模式。在研究設計與方法上,本文透過蒐集、重整次級資料,在雙重焦慮結構的概念指引下,重新建構台灣都市通訊關於焦慮的歷史敘事,並以此分析其中的焦慮內涵、他者圖像與緩解焦慮的秩序化模式。 研究結果顯示,公用電話所中介的接觸焦慮,涉及了現代衛生知識與實踐所生產出的個人主義式身體感下,對於問題化的他者身體之拒斥,而對此接觸焦慮的秩序化,則是不同的人我劃界。在不同的社會─技術裝配之中,焦慮事件中他者圖像的差異,導致三種不同的人我劃界實作,分別是:中介物的拜物教效果、他者的物化、物的他者化。另一方面,公用電話所中介的分離焦慮,則涉及對於電話連線的管控與治理,既須維持線路使用的暢通,同時也須有效控管線路,過濾掉匿名的他者。在此,秩序化指涉了保持連結的技術與使用倫理,以及過濾連結的技術與實作。最後,本文在結論進一步討論了兩種都市焦慮在行動電話時代的變化,雖然公用電話所中介的焦慮看似在手機技術下逐漸消散,但作為焦慮根源的都市人我關係,並未真正獲得面對,但原先涉及公共領域治理的議題,卻似乎越來越仰賴個人的自我治理。最終,本文主張在急著將焦慮秩序化和消弭之前,應該先試著面對都市焦慮,以及都市中的異質他者關係。


In this research, I discusses two kinds of urban anxieties—anxieties of contact and no contact—which is based on the relationships between self and others in the urban society. A dual structure of anxiety which linked the urban anxieties of others to an idea of humans as cyborg subject relying on urban infrastructures was proposed. My argument is that the urban anxieties mediated by public facilities reveals the dynamics of self-other relations. Secondary data was collected and rearrange as the narratives of payphone anxieties for analyzing the content of anxieties, image of others in the anxiety narratives, and easement as well as ordering of the anxieties. By studying and examining the case of public payphone in Taiwan, I discuss the anxieties of cyborg subjects, with endogenous dialectics of mobility-fixity and contact-no contact, that assembled by different technologies of public payphone and social-technical context. First, the anxiety of contact mediated by public payphone refers to the individualistic sense of body, which reject contacts of problematic body of other, formed under modern hygiene knowledge and practices. While payphone forms as the mechanical body of cyborg subject in the city, as public facility, it also become the fields of direct or indirect contact of others’ body. In other words, there is endogenous tension of contacting others’ body within the body of cyborg subject. The analytical result shows three kinds of technology-mediated bordering practices between self and others—fetishism of mediates, objectification of other, and otherization of object—corresponding with different images of other. Second, the payphone-mediated anxiety of no contact refers to the maintaining and control of communication linkages. To ease anxiety of no contact, the communication linkage need to be both available and under control. Facing to the anxieties, technologies and ethic of using to maintain the linkages are adopted by cyborg subjects. The technics and practices of controlling and filtering the communication linkages are also needed. In the conclusion, I further discuss the transformation of the two anxieties as well as the self-other relations in the mobile phone era. Although the public payphone-mediated anxieties of contact and no contact are relieved by self-owned and seamless mobile phone, the origin of the anxieties, the tension between self and other, are not really negotiated. Furthermore, the original issues and anxieties in public realm are hidden behind the self-governance of cyborg subject and their self-own devices, in other word, a cyborg subject with exclusive mechanical body and vision without others.


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