  • 學位論文


Effects of Fruit and Flower Development and Hand Flower Thinning on Growth of Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze)

指導教授 : 陳右人


本研究初步探討臺灣主要栽培品種‘臺茶12號’與‘青心烏龍’的生殖特性,及其對生長與產量之影響。 從標定秋梢小花至開花一共分為8個時期,Stage 1-4小花縱橫徑各小於5 mm和4 mm,此時小花生長緩慢,Stage 5-7小花進入快速生長期,經歷露白期,小花外觀由鮮綠漸漸轉白,內部雄蕊由透明轉黃色,於Stage 8開花,‘臺茶12號’與‘青心烏龍’小花生育曲線均呈現單S型,從現蕾至開花,‘臺茶12號’需102天,‘青心烏龍’需114天。調查兩品種果高、果寬與鮮重顯示果實均屬於單S型生長曲線,‘臺茶12號’成熟單籽果、雙籽果與三籽果鮮重分別為4.37 ± 1.7 g、6.27 ± 1.33 g、6.51 ± 0.71 g,‘青心烏龍’則分別為4.7 ± 0.8 g、7.0 ± 1.3 g、11.8 ± 0.6 g。 為了解提升容器大小及疏花處理是否能增進地上部及根部發育,將‘臺茶12號’一年生扦插苗分別種植於30及60 cm長的方形長盆,並分為100%人工疏花處理、50%人工疏花處理及對照組。結果顯示50%及100%人工疏花處理可促進根部生長,且容器大小與疏花處理於總根長和網外根重具有交感效應,種植於60 cm 長盆的扦插苗,透過疏花處理能夠提升網外根鮮重、網外根乾重、總根長及總乾重。 進一步探討田間疏花處理對茶菁產量、品質、性狀、營養含量及果實產量的影響,以‘臺茶12號’為材料並比較0% (CK)、25%、50%、75%、100%人工疏花處理與當年秋、冬及隔年春、夏採收之茶菁品質產量的關聯。於冬茶與隔年春茶具有較顯著的影響,50%人工疏花處理提高冬茶及春茶之茶菁重,將四季(秋、冬、春、夏)茶菁重合計後,50%人工疏花處理茶菁重達281.1 g/m2,對照組為195.9 g/m2,每公頃每年產量將增加0.85噸。冬茶透過25%與50%人工疏花處理,提升第二葉厚、第三葉寬和葉厚,春茶以75%與100%人工疏花處理,具有促進茶芽伸長現象。除了100%人工疏花處理使田間果實產量下降,每平方公尺可採收之果實鮮重為5.7 g,其餘各處理果實產量並無顯著減少,仍可採收到與對照組相同數量之果實。冬茶茶菁品質以100%人工疏花處理總分最高,水色較鮮亮,春茶以50%人工疏花處理香氣較濃郁。葉片營養分析方面,50%人工疏花處理提升秋茶氮含量與鉀含量、冬茶磷含量和夏茶磷含量。綜合以上結果,欲提升經濟效益較高冬茶與春茶茶菁產量、性狀及品質,以50%人工疏花處理較佳。


This study is to explore Taiwan main cultivars ‘TEES No. 12’ and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ reproductive characteristics, and its effect on growth and yield. It is divided into eight stages from labeling to flowering. In stage 1-4, each length and width of flower is less than 5 mm and 4 mm. Flowers grow slowly in this period. In stage 5-7, flowers enter rapid growth period and petals turn to white. Color of stamens turn to yellow from transparent. In stage 8,flowers enter anthesis period. ‘TEES No. 12’ and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ flowers both appear single sigmoid growth curve. ‘TEES No. 12’ needs 102 days and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ needs 114 days from labeling to anthesis. Investigating fruit height, width and fresh weight of ‘TEES No. 12’ and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ that show fruits both belong to single sigmoid growth curve. Weight of ripe fruits with single seed, double seeds and triple seeds of ‘TEES No. 12’ and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ is 4.37 ± 1.7 g, 6.27 ± 1.33 g, 6.51 ± 0.71 g, and 4.7 ± 0.8 g,7.0 ± 1.3 g, 11.8 ± 0.6 g individually. In order to understand the effect of pot’s size and hand flower thinning treatment on top and root growth, planting ‘TEES No. 12’ annual cutting in 30 cm and 60 cm pot, and utilize 50% hand flower thinning, 100% hand flower thinning and control treatment. Results indicate that 50% hand flower thinning and 100% hand flower thinning can advance roots growing. Pot’s size treatment and hand flower thinning treatment have an interaction on total root length and root weight. Which planting in 60 cm plot cuttings, hand flower thinning treatment promote roots fresh weight, roots dry weight, total root length and total dry weight. Further investigating the effect of hand flower thinning treatment on tea yield, character, nutrient content and fruit yield. Using ‘TEES No. 12’ as material, and comparing the effect of 0% hand flower thinning, 25% hand flower thinning, 50% hand flower thinning, 75% hand flower thinning, and 100% hand flower thinning on autumn tea, winter tea, spring tea, and summer tea. Using 50% hand flower thinning treatment advances leaves’ weights of winter tea and spring tea. Summing four season yield, 50% hand flower thinning treatment is 281.1 g/m2 ,and control is 195.9 g/m2. Yield will increase 0.85 ton every hectare and per year. Using 25% and 50% hand flower thinning treatment increase 2nd leaf thickness, 3rd leaf width, and 3rd leaf thickness. Using 75% and 100% hand flower thinning treatment promote bud elongation. Except 100% hand flower thinning treatment, other treatments maintain fruit yield. 100% hand flower thinning has the highest score in winter tea quality, which has relatively bright color. 50% hand flower thinning on spring tea has rich fragrance. In nutritional analysis of leaves, using 50% hand flower thinning increases nitrogen content of autumn tea, potassium content of autumn tea, phosphorus content of winter tea and phosphorus content of summer tea. Based on the above results, using 50% hand flower thinning can promote tea yield, character, and quality.


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