  • 學位論文


Development and Application of Optimization Model for Urban Rainwater Detention Facilities Design: A Case Study of Min-Sheng Community

指導教授 : 徐年盛


本研究提出利用都市中既有建築物提供一定量體之雨水貯留體積,共同分擔暴雨帶來之雨量,建立一套適用都市區域雨水貯留設施設計優化模式。研究優先選定臺北市民生社區做案例分析,並套入優化模式使雨水貯留設施設計能夠因地制宜,彰顯雨水貯留設施確實能減輕都市淹水所帶來之災害。 研究中發展之優化模式串聯模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing, SA)與暴雨逕流管理模式(Storm Water Management Model, SWMM),首先定義目標函數為益本比最大,輔以建築技術法規為限制式,成本計算採滯洪池建構成本估算方式,並將其公式化。接著假設數個設計情境並透過暴雨逕流管理模式模擬各重現期水文事件之地表逕流量、洪峰流量以及淹水量,最後計算其年計成本、年計效益,當益本比最大時則為雨水貯留設施最佳設計。 分析優化模式結果,於都市公有建築物設置雨水貯留設施,並加上分流堰控制雨水進入雨水貯留空間,臺北市民生社區淹水損失將可從2.88億元新台幣降至2.63億元新台幣,年效益為0.245億元新台幣,益本比為1.354。由模式結果分析可知雨水貯留設施適用都市區域為下水道管線前端之集水區、低窪地區、大集水區,並且於高重現期水文事件洪峰削減效益優於低重現期水文事件。 雨水貯留設施設計優化模式結果,於低窪易淹水區域,其分流堰高度設計較低,使淹水能夠有效經由雨水貯留空間排除;另外位於管線前端之集水區,分流堰高度設計也需較低,目的為提早貯存多餘雨水使管線末端或下游低窪處可免於淹水之迫害;另外於管線末端之集水區,分流堰設計較高,目的是為了快速排水。 最後研究將優化模式結果與前人於同區域配置低衝擊開發最佳配置做比較,可以發現設置低衝擊開發減洪效益於低重現期水文事件之效果與研究中雨水貯留設施差別不大,但於高重現期水文事件時,研究中雨水貯留設施減洪效益則明顯優於低衝擊開發。


This study proposes to use existing buildings providing the rainwater retention volume to share rainfall. To establish the optimization model of detention facilities design, and give priority to Min-Sheng community in Taipei city as case analysis. Assuming that several situations makes the design of detention facilities according to local conditions. This optimization model series of simulated annealing (SA) and storm water management model (SWMM). The optimization model developed first by defining and formulating the objective function, and the constraints. The cost calculation of detention facilities is the same as the detention ponds. Then using SWMM to simulate the surface runoff, peak flow, water flooding in different hydrological events. Finally, calculate the ratio of Benefit/Cost. When the B/C ration is maximized, then is the optimal design of detention facilities. Analysis the results of optimization model, setting the detention facilities in urban public buildings, and with diversion weir control the rainfall into retention space, the flooding loss in Min-Sheng community decreases from NT$288 million to NT$263 million and the B/C ratio is 1.354. In addition, this detention facilities suit well with the urban regions which are in front of the sewer, low-lying, large catchment area. Furthermore, the efficiency of detention facilities of flood peak reduction in high return periods is superior in contrast with which in low return periods.The design of diversion weir design in the catchment which in front of the sewer and low-lying must lower than others, so that the flooding can effectively eliminated by the retention volume. However, in the end of the sewer the design of diversion weir must higher, the purpose is to fast drainage.The last, our study results compare with the predecessors’ in the same area. We can find that the effect of flood peak reduction in low return periods, low-impact development is almost to detention facilities, however, in high return periods the detention facilities is much better than low-impact development.


楊重信,「洪災防治之效益 — 以基隆河整治為例」,臺灣經濟預測與政策,中央研究院經濟研究所,第39卷,第1期,第33-67頁,2008。
American Society of Civil Engineers, Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems, 1992.


