  • 學位論文


Applying accumulative thermal stress investigation on establishing dynamic outdoor thermal comfort index to evaluate greening quality of pedestrian sidewalk

指導教授 : 黃國倉




Since 21th century, the increasing urbanization results in urban expansion which may intensify the heat island effect, especially in subtropical Taiwan. To regulate the urban microclimate, constructing systematic urban greenway might be the priority target of urban design for Taiwan government. The research about location, cooling effect, and efficiency of urban greenway is now an important issue. This research aimed to study the variation of thermal environment in different seasons on urban greenway in Taipei and tried to survey the pedestrians’ thermal comfort to research the accumulation of outdoor thermal sensation. This study diagnosed the greening quality of Zhoushan Rd. in NTU by the outdoor thermal environment test experiment and the dynamic thermal comfort and thermal dose experiment. Through the experiment results, we established the radiation reduction formula under the greenway canopy and verified the thermal dissatisfaction caused by accumulative thermal dose. Then, we further predicted the typical thermal environment of Zhoushan Rd. greenway by using RayMan software with TMY3 weather data. We also monitored the overheating hours and thermal dissatisfaction events by modelling the hot sections on Zhoushan Rd. greenway. We expected that we can construct a new method to identify the requirement of urban greenway and to examine the greenway quality. We finally hope this research could be the reference of urban greenway design in future Taiwan.


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