  • 學位論文


Entropy functions detect in vivo predictive information transfer in human V1

指導教授 : 吳恩賜




Predictable visual stimuli modulate neural responses in regions of primary visual cortex (V1) even though the stimuli do not fall within the receptive fields of the modulated regions. This suggests a neural mechanism that transfers sensory signals from V1 to downstream cortical processes and feeds back to other V1 processes or direct interaction between V1. We therefore hypothesize that information transfer between different groups of V1 neurons should be present within the human V1 system. We sought to detect this using in vivo high spatial and temporal resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with multi-band acquisition. A single participant underwent extensive fMRI experiments involving judgments about expanding and shrinking visual disks, mimicking the visual stimulation of an approaching or distancing ball. We applied time-delayed mutual information (MI) and transfer entropy (TE) analysis to dissociate information transfer magnitudes and directions between V1 regions sensitive to central and peripheral retinotopic stimulation. Information transfer direction between central and peripheral V1 neurons was mixed during expanding disk perception but more from peripheral to central V1 for shrinking disks. This pattern was evident in the left but not the right hemisphere. In addition, information transfer for occluded expanding disks was bidirectional and in the right hemisphere, and no information transfer was detected for occluded shrinking disks. Overall, our findings suggest that information transfer in the human V1 system is detectable with fMRI.


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