  • 學位論文


Exploring Content Marketing Strategy of Online Travel Agency: From Customer Journey Map

指導教授 : 謝明慧


以顧客為出發點本身就是行銷領域的精髓,探究消費者的行為與想法始終是行銷人員所面臨的重要課題,近年受矚目的分析工具「顧客旅程地圖」有助於企業用視覺化的流程圖,呈現出顧客使用產品或服務所產生的主觀感受,站在顧客的觀點來重新檢視過程中的缺失,並得出改善方案。另一方面,移動裝置的普及導致消費者獲取的內容數量大增,內容行銷也被業界當作數位行銷的新策略,因此本研究之主題在於探討內容行銷如何影響顧客旅程地圖。 本研究採用質性的個案研究法作為研究方法,並選取E線上旅行社作為個案分析的對象,透過蒐集與內容行銷、顧客旅程地圖相關的文獻,並訪談多位曾經有國內外旅遊經驗的消費者,將旅客區分為四種角色原型,並了解各種角色原型於顧客旅程地圖中四個階段的行為模式。另一方面,訪問E線上旅行社行銷處的主管,了解個案公司於各階段使用何種內容策略,整合消費者與企業雙方的顧客旅程地圖。 研究結果發現個案公司執行內容行銷的方式多著重於顧客旅程階段的前端,使用圖文、資訊的形式獲得關注度,並透過持續更新與長期經營,培養固定觀眾,試圖將訪客導向購買階段。發現實務操作與文獻回顧的定義相符,同時本研究認為過去的顧客旅程地圖多為消費者實際購買後,才會向外分享產品的使用經驗。不過以內容行銷傳遞的觀點來看,不一定要發生購買階段才會到達分享階段。儘管當下消費者沒有購買慾望,只要企業持續地向消費者傳遞有價值的資訊,當日後需求出現時,消費者能有可能走向購買階段。


“Customer-oriented” are the most important things in marketing field. Marketers are always trying to explore a customer’s behavior and thoughts. In recent years, the analysis tool “Customer Journey Map” that has been adopted to visualize the buying process of customer and also show the emotion that customer use the product and service. Customer journey map can help the brands change the perspective to customer perspective and review the defects in the service process. Finally, the brands can propose an improvement solution. On the other hand, the raise of mobile devices let the audience can get more information. Content marketing has been seen as the new strategy of the digital marketing. Therefore, the theme of this research is to study how content marketing affects customer journey maps. The method of our research was by case study. We chose E online travel agency as the object of analysis. We collected literature related to content marketing and customer journey map. And taking the interview with the customer who had travel experience. We separate the customer into four personas and try to understand the behavior in each stage of customer journey. We also visit and conduct an in-depth interview with the manager of E online travel agency marketing department. Try to understand what content strategy that the case company uses at each stage. Last, we combine both sides into a customer journey map. The result of the research found that the content strategy of E online travel agency is focus on the front part of customer journey. Using picture, article and information to gain attention and update continuously to keep a long-term relationship with the audience. We found that this practical operation is consistent with the definition of the literature review. This study also found that the customer will reach the “share stage” without passing “purchase stage”. Because of the model of customer journey, the process of consumer journey is purchase, experience then share. When we implement content marketing, even consumer don’t have the desire to buy our service, as long as we continue to deliver valuable information to them, they may choose our service if they have demand.


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行政院交通部(2015),交通部邁向千萬旅客觀光大國報告, https://www.ey.gov.tw/Page/9277F759E41CCD91/f12e8b48-472f-4462-9671-f8d4658d2e9a,閱讀日期:2020.06.12
