  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Enterprise Social Software Platform: A Study of China Market

指導教授 : 江炯聰


本研究主題是分析探討企業社交軟體(Enterprise Social Software, ESS)在中國市場的現況與未來趨勢,並提出建議。 本文由平台理論的角度出發,分析企業社交軟體在中國的現況與未來趨勢。並著墨於以下議題: 西方主流的Yammer模式進入中國市場所遭遇的處境。 在中國既有消費IT化、移動化等趨勢衝擊,中國企業社交軟體呈現的風貌。 由平台理論的角度探討在中國的應用軟體市場環境,企業軟體市場可能的機會與策略建議。 本研究主要結論: 1. 由於中國消費者的網路社交應用傳統以及移動化的影響,中國企業社交軟體主要參考的產品類型是“微信”(移動端的即時訊息應用(Instant Message, IM) 而非 “Yammer” (Web端的行動資訊流(Activity Stream)應用。 2. 中國企業社交軟體的決勝戰場在智慧手機動終端而非Web端。, 3. 企業社交軟體角色已超越企業內部及外部進行協作的角色,成為整合企業內外移動應用的平台入口。因此企業社交軟體的發展策略必須同時考慮中國移動企業應用市場的走向。 4. 基於數據隱私、安全性以及分析的考量,企業自建企業社交軟體(ESS),掌控自有數據,進而發展自建企業社交網絡(Enterprise Social Network, ESN)成為必然市場趨勢。 5. 中國企業移動應用市場進入快速擴張的階段,市場仍有相當大的發展空間,同時平台生態圈正在快速的集結發展中。雖然大勢尚未抵定,但有意進入廠商必須儘快找到本身定位並發展平台策略,以免失去先機。


The Goal of this paper is to analyze the current development and the future trend of Enterprise Social Software (ESS) market in China. It also provides some suggestions to the ESS market vendors in China market. The major discoveries and concluisons of this research are as below: 1. Due to Chinese social internet culture and the ubiquity of mobile services, the Chinese ESS service should be more leaning toward to WeChat-type Instant Messages(IM), rather than Yammer-type Activity Steams. 2. The battlefield of ESS in China is on mobile interfaces, not on the desktop/laptop Web interfaces. 3. ESS has grown beyond its original role of internal and/or external collaboration. It has become the portal to integrate enterprises’ business applications via mobile devices. Therefore, ESS vendors have to consider the trends of Chinas mobile enterprise applications. 4. Due to the concerns of data privacy, security, and future requirement of big data analysis, there is a trend that enterprises would like to gain more control on ESS services and its data. 5. The demand of enterprise mobile applications is rapidly expanding in China. The potential of ESS market in China is also growing vigorously. We anticipate some consolidations of the ecosystem. The ESS vendors need to quickly position themselves at the right spot and development their own platform strategies, before it is too late.


1. John Scott & Peter J. Carrington, 2011. Social Network Analysis. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Ltd Press.
2. Niall Cook, 2008. Enterprise 2.0: How Social Software Will Change the Future of Work. Hants, England: Gower Publishing Company Press.
1. Andrew P. McAfee, 2006. “Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(3).
