  • 學位論文


A study of factors influencing aNobii users’ judgment: a Lens model approach

指導教授 : 唐牧群


本研究主要目的在探究讀者於網絡書櫃aNobii的休閒閱讀選書行為,以透鏡模式為基礎,了解讀者於選書瀏覽過程中所倚賴選書線索與信心滿意度之間的關連,建立多元迴歸方程式說明各選書因素權重。另外,探究不同選書瀏覽管道(作者、朋友、相似書櫃)中,各選書線索的影響力,並嘗試運用偏好量表與社會網絡分析法呈現閱讀偏好對選書決策的影響。 研究結果發現,在選書線索中,「作者」為診斷力高且近用性高的線索,代表書籍品質與過去閱讀經驗的連結,讀者對作者以往作品的了解內化為個人知識,可減低選書風險。其次,多數讀者認為「出版社」並非重要選書因素,但多元迴歸分析結果顯示「出版社」是重要影響信心滿意度的因素,顯現主觀認知與客觀結果的差異。另外,「書籍設計」與「書名」會引起讀者注意力,「出版日期」則可以幫助讀者檢驗書籍出版資訊完整度。 而在不同瀏覽管道中,研究發現經由「作者管道」選擇的書籍,信心滿意度最高。而在瀏覽朋友書櫃時,重要他人所撰寫的書評會影響讀者尋書,彰顯朋友推薦口碑資訊的影響力。 閱讀偏好狀態的不同,的確影響讀者的選書。本研究將閱讀偏好分為偏好察覺度與偏好同質性兩個面向探討,研究結果顯示高察覺且高同質的讀者,平均信心滿意度最高。高察覺讀者由於能有效應用得到的資訊,故其運用的選書線索較多。另一方面,閱讀同質性低的讀者主要依賴作者、主題、內容簡介等判斷主題相關的線索;閱讀同質性高的讀者,則較關切主題相關以外的線索,如資訊新奇性與新穎度。


透鏡模式 選書行為 決策 偏好


The study set out to explore how readers employ various information cues to choose books in aNobii, an online social network site for book lovers. Based on Len’s model, regression analyses were conducted to determine the significe of cues that readers relied on during book choosing. Furthermore, the study also investigated the influence of judgment cues when users intereacted with different book finding tools. Besides, the study looks into how individuals’ reading preference structure affect book choosing, measured by questionarries and SNA. A total of 50 participatants took part in the quasi-experimental study where they were asked to choose books of interest with three book finding tools in aNobii: author, friend, and similar bookshelf. They were asked to estimate influence of cues for their judgment, including author, title, topic, cover design, publisher, publication date, reader review, and editor review. Some major findings are as follows. First, Authors were the most important cue for the judgment of books. Even though Publisher was not considered an important source by the participants’ judgment, it was regarded as an important factor in the statistic models explaning users’ confidence judgment. In addition, novel information, such as design of the cover and book title, and publication date assisted reasers to monitor the latest publication of familiar authors/genres. Second, the importance of cues differs with different book finding tools. The confidence satisfaction is high when Author was used as the book-finding tool. Readers ascribed importance to reader review written by friends when browsing friends’ bookshelf, which indicate that the power of word of mouth, especially friends’ recommendation. Lastly, two aspects of reading preference structure: preference insight and preference homogeneity were also found to affect book choosing. Overall, reader who had high insight and high homogeneity showed more confidence in their judgements. Readers with high insight used more cues than those with low insight did since they could effectively utilize information available. High homogeneity readers depended on topic relevant cues. On the other hand, low homogeneity readers ascribed greater importance to non-topic relevance, such as book design, title, and publication date.


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