  • 學位論文

工業區的都市化: 台北縣都市計畫工業區的制度移植、工業不動產與產業變遷

The Urbanization of Industrial Space: The Institutional Transplantation of Zoning and Real Estate in Taipei Urban Industrial Zones

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


以立體廠辦大樓為代表的工業區開發,在近二十年來歷經了兩次興衰循環,逐漸取代了傳統的平面廠房,朝向大型化園區化邁進。本研究發現工業區的開發並非產業變遷下的自然結果,而是不動產開發商有計畫有規模地依附在房地產景氣循環的潮流之中,在北臺灣造就的獨特現象。 臺北縣作為北臺製造業的龍頭,受地價飆漲之壓力而漸漸朝向集約的空間使用。都市計畫工業區原為一無財源與開發計畫之使用,開發之責任因為立體廠辦產品的熱潮而逐漸為不動產開發商所接手,在經濟發展之正當性底下,國家被迫在法令制度上扮演更開放、鬆綁的消極角色。本研究將工業區的再發展視為「空間修補」(spatial fix):透過空間生產領導產業轉型,以消弭製造業的都市空間危機。此危機來自於幾個方面:地價飆漲、勞資紛爭、空間美化成為都市治理之重要項目。1987年房地產狂飆時期造就第一波空間危機,旋即被立體廠房的推案適時敉平,臺北縣正式邁入電子資訊業主導的階段;1993年以來的景氣與投資危機,給予倉儲物流業在工業區設址的強烈正當性,加上全面實施容積管制的效應造就大量科技廠辦大樓。此波建案一方面幫助許多傳統產業由虧損邊緣重新出發,另方面也加速電子業的快速擴充,而臺北縣政府則由原本反商的態度轉而變為地方發展型國家,透過制度的善意來建商的集體勢力。 集團資本有計畫、大規模的推案在臺北縣各個行政區攻佔轉進,臺北縣中和市成為第二波的空間修補的主要戰場。在市場胃納有限、建案良莠不齊的狀況下,有更多的建案銷售困難,或完全轉而以「工業住宅」的形式推出。廠辦大樓-工業住宅的連帶關係說明了空間修補的循環。而地方政治則從未在這場金權遊戲中缺席。因此都市計畫工業區的再發展充滿了權力的衝突,與地理發展上的不均衡特質。在此過程中國家卸下了自身開發責任,大型資本集團成為主導力量,地方利益團體則依附著時勢見縫插針。不動產主導的都市活動(urbanism)逐漸掌控了都市計畫工業區,工業空間的都市化敉平了空間危機,也為下一次空間危機埋下伏筆。


The industrial estate, especially that of large-scale industrial parks, has shaped the landscape of Urban Industrial Zones in these twenty years. The power for redeveloping industrial lands, however, was far from natural processes of transition and progression in industry. Rather, it was real estate activities planed and produced new spaces that contributed to the geographical restructuring of industry in northern Taiwan. Taipei County has for last fifty years been the major industrial areas. However, compact uses of factory spaces become necessary under the raging land prices. Been the urban plan without fiscal sources and development devices, the zoning system has long been out of control. The responsibility of the State’s support of infrastructure and spaces for industrial use has partly transferred to real estate companies to make profits. The State’s powers were reduced to making regulations more flexible and open to attract investments. In this research, the redevelopment of industrial spaces is the process of ‘spatial fix’: crisis of urban industrial space being relaxed by way of the production of new space. To resolve the problem of industrial space, the answer is further urbanization of it. 1987 were the year that raging prices real estate induced the first urban and spatial crisis; 1993 is another crisis that endows Warehousing and Logistics industries the legitimacy to locate in Urban Industrial Zones. Development companies went an extra mile arguing that Urban Industrial Zones open to the industrial estate. Chung-Ho City became the battlefront of this second wave of spatial fix. But this time the demand for industrial estate has dropped so that ‘industrial housing’ – the illegal housing in industrial zones – prevailed soon after. No doubt, local interest groups have played an important part in this game. In this respect, the conflicts of power and geographical uneven development shaped the face of industrial space. The responsibility and power of state was taken by development companies and local interest groups followed ties to make profits. Urban industrial zones were gradually dominated by real estate activities, therefore eliminating sharpened urban crisis and then foreshadowing another.


Harvey, David, (1990), “Between Space and Time: Reflections on the Geographical Imagination”, 空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本, 王志宏譯, 夏鑄九與王志宏編譯, 台北: 明文書局, 1993。
Gottdiener, Mark, (1985), The Social Production of Urban Space, Austin: University of Texas Press.


