  • 學位論文


The Influences of Cosmetic and Beauty Brands’ Distribution Channel on Its Online Strategy

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


Bernard Arnault,路易威登(LVMH)集團執行長曾經說過:「控制了通路,就控制了形象」。 自1960年代大型主機電腦問世、1980年代個人電腦科技革命發端,1990年世界聯網World Wide Web(WWW)正式和世人見面,近20年來網路的崛起不僅影響了消費者的生活習慣,也間接增加了新的虛擬通路。Digital world不再只是被當成媒體(Media),也可以是提供商品或服務的重要新通路。於數位時代來臨之前,美妝保養品品牌於台灣的策略注重品牌形象和品牌定位、且致力於經營與實體通路的關係。然而隨著電子商務和數位服務趨於成熟的今日(2011年),國內外美妝保養品品牌的原有實體通路是否直接或間接影響該品牌虛擬通路的規劃、調控或取捨?國內外美妝保養品品牌又有何網路行銷溝通? 因此本研究透過觀察台灣具代表性的100個美妝保養品品牌的通路,並訪談世界前十大美妝保養品品牌與台灣本土(MIT)重量級美妝品牌的網路經營歷程,試圖藉分析實務情況,提出美妝保養品於台灣因應品牌定位、品牌原有實體通路、如何最適化網路經營行銷策略。 不論國內外品牌,都應該因應網路數位通路時代的來臨,於台灣建構不與原有實體通路衝突的電子商務模式並致力於網路行銷溝通。百貨專櫃品牌適合架設品牌自有的官方網站購物,而一般開架品牌適合獨立經營開店平台或與大型通路商合作經營開店平台。


Bernard Arnault , Chief Executive Officer of LVMH , once said ,“Control the channel , control the image ”. With the introduction of World Wide Web and the dot com boom, the rise of internet over the past twenty years has not only affect consumers’ lifestyle but also shape up a new e-commerce channel on the web.Digital media should be treated as a new channel in promoting products and/or services. Before the adaption of digital media, cosmetic brands in Taiwan rely mostly on physical store channels and devise strategies focusing on brand image and brand positioning accordingly.As e-commerce and digital service matures today, most cosmetic brands have learned to adapt to use digital media as their new model in channeling. A topic of interest arises as to how the traditional channel would affect brands’ decision in planning, regulating and differentiating its online selling channels. Through investigating common cosmetic brands in Taiwan and interviewing over ten international and regional brands in Taiwan for their online promotion and operation schemes, this research is to devise an optimal online marketing strategy in brand positioning and channeling for local cosmetic products. The results of analysis are as follows: Regardless international or domestic cosmetic brands, online channel should be yield non-conflict and coexisting models to the traditional channels in Taiwan. For brands that utilizes department stores shelf, they should maintain their own online shopping sites. Whereas brands that utilizes open-racket may cooperate with wholesaler to host independent online platform.


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