  • 學位論文


Acculturation vs. Assimilation: The English Literature on Sinicization and Its Implications for the Study of China Rising

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本論文用文獻分析方法,研究四位知名學者如何透過英語文獻研究文明涵化與同化如何在中國崛起的趨勢之下進行。四位皆強調Sinicization該是雙向,由人民主導的涵化過程。雖然此Sinicization屬於承襲儒家思想的社會或各地華人所特有的經歷,然而其並不侷限於某個民族國家,或構成國家的基礎,或跳脫之。再者,Sinicization也是一個具有多層次的概念,包含漢人之間及漢人與非漢人之間的涵化。在中國迅速崛起之際,學者與外交研究者注意的經常只是中國身為民族國家的崛起是否會是一個和平的過程,然而忽略涵化過程在中國內外都受到人民日常生活的參與動能所影響,而本文介紹的四位學者透過其研究試圖彌補此在中國研究裡不可漠視的間隙。 本論文歸納出用以分析與比較四位研究的六項指標。四位學者的英語文獻在描寫Sinicization的過程當中雖然來自不同的學術領域與抱持著不同的研究目的,然而其研究有十分多的共同之處,而首先最值得注意的是,四位的研究皆凸顯Sinicization為一個雙向,甚至多向的過程,Sinicization並非只是東方向西方學習或相反的單向過程。為了能夠清晰的分析、比較、與排列出四位研究的共同與不同之處,本文歸納出以下六項指標比較四位的研究:Sinicization的獨特程度、 所涵蓋的地理範圍、是物質或概念性的、行動者為何、是一個牽涉漢人與非漢人、亦或漢人與其他漢人的涵化過程、以及是構成民族國家的基礎,或超越民族國家的過程。


涵化 漢化 同化 中國崛起 英語文獻研究


The rise of China is self-evident. Its rise as a state seems inexorable on many fronts. As such, most studies of China’s rise, approached from the perspective of international relations, focuses on China’s rise as a state. However, this neglects the question of what China’s rise means for Sinic civilization. The studies that attempt to address this question are studies on Sinicization. Sinicization is a complex area of study, in many ways harder to pursue than the study of China as a state. The study of Sinicization endeavours to shed light on four principle questions: what is the relationship between civilization and the state; what are the practices and processes that constitute civilization; which of these processes and how do they work to reconstitute the borders of civilization; and how is modernity defined, or in the context of Sinicization, what it means to be a modern Chinese. Civilizational studies, of which Sinicization is a part, are not new. However, the study of Sinicization has gained renewed prominence along with the dramatic rise of China following its economic reforms. Civilizations constantly interact and adapt to each other in processes of acculturation. What is distinctive about this wave of acculturation is the fact that it is taking place in the context of China’s current rise. Since Sinic civilization has engaged in acculturation processes with other civilizations before, this wave of acculturation is the latest episode in this history. It is also a novel recombination of civilizations. From the mid-nineteenth century until very recently, acculturation easily shaded into Westernization at a time when the state of China was weak internationally. This wave promises to be a much more balanced, two-way process of acculturation. This thesis studies a selection of leading English literature on Sinicization, and attempts to compare and analyze their conclusions. The authors covered are Daniel A. Bell, Roger Ames, Wang Gungwu, and William A. Callahan. Each author covers a different area respectively: political change and democratization in China; a comparison of the philosophical underpinnings of Sinic and Western civilizations; Chinese living overseas as agents of Sinicization; and the manipulation of Sinicization discourse within Greater China. It is hoped that this thesis, which attempts to synthesize this literature, will help shed light on the question of what China’s rise means for the evolution of Sinic civilization in today’s world.


Bell, Daniel A. (2000). East Meets West: Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia.
Ames, Roger T. and Hall, David L. (1987). Thinking Through Confucius. Albany:
Ames, Roger T. and Hall, David L. (1995). Anticipating China: Thinking though
