  • 學位論文


Designing Handheld Assistive Devices to Improve Touchscreen Usability for Users with Motor Impairment

指導教授 : 陳彥仰


觸控式螢幕 (Touchscreen) 在現今已經越來越常被當做現代科技產品的主要輸入裝置,而這個技術對有肢體障礙的人士卻是一大挑戰。現有的研究大多是改動 UI 介面互動的方式或調整裝置的靈敏度來達到幫助他們的效果,但都需要更改其系統,所以無法很容易的快速推廣到其他系統上。 我們觀察分析三種常見觸控式螢幕的可跨平台輸入方式:手指 (F)、滑鼠 (M) 和觸控筆 (S)。藉由降低這三種方式使用時必須的肢體能力要求,我們設計了三種手持的輔具:改良手套 (Customed Glove)、觸控式滑鼠 (Direct Mouse)、可調式球形觸控筆 (Customed Stylus)。我們的實驗找了 12 位有腦性麻痺的使用者來使用,實驗顯示觸控式滑鼠和可調式球形觸控筆可以增加他們點擊的成功率,分別為增加45%以及25%,而改良手套的點擊成功率則維持不變。


Touchscreens are becoming the mainstream input means for many technical devices but have many usability challenge for people with motor impairment~cite{Anthony:2013:AUY:2466110.2466158}. Existed solutions are most like exploiting either different interaction techniques or different sensitivity~cite{biswas:developing,Guerreiro:2010:TAT:1878803.1878809,Wacharamanotham:2011:EST:1978942.1979031}, both need system modification and are hard to adapt to different systems. We conducted an observation to analyze three common devices cross all touchscreen devices: finger (F), mouse (M), and stylus (S). By eliminating their motor skill requirements, we designed three handheld assistive devices: Customed Glove (CG), Direct Mouse (DM), and Customed Stylus (CS). Our study with 12 participants with Cerebral Palsy shows that Direct Mouse and Customed Stylus can improve success rate by 45\% and 25\% respectively, while Customed Glove remained the same.


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