  • 學位論文

台灣地區產險公司傷害險經營效率分析 -Malmquist生產力指數之應用

An Efficiency Analysis of Injury Insurance in Taiwan -An Application of Malmquist Productivity Index

指導教授 : 孫立群


台灣的產險市場自民國94年起,連續四年呈現下滑趨勢,顯示台灣產險市場有萎縮的狀況。另從產物保險理賠金額方面來看,在排除因巨災造成保險理賠金額劇增的不可控因素外,理賠金額呈現穩定現象,在台灣產險市場整體保費收入無法提昇,保險理賠金額無法下降等雙重因素影響下,台灣產險業在經營上將面臨更嚴峻的環境。因此,台灣產險公司必先瞭解本身經營績效優劣的原因,以做為未來在經營管理上改善的方向。以往對台灣產險公司相關的研究多從公司整體面來進行經營效率的評估,未有從單一險種經營進行分析研究。本研究以傷害險為研究對象,針對台灣各產險公司在94年至97年間傷害險經營上,進行效率衡量。 本研究使用Banker, Charnes, and Cooper(1984)的BCC模型及Fare 等(1992)之Malmquist生產力指數來衡量台灣地區產險公司在94年至97年間傷害險經營上之經營效率及效率變動情形。研究結果發現:1.台灣各家產險公司在傷害險經營上是存在差異性的。就總技術效率而言,整體產險業投入資源的運用效率仍有很大的改善空間;技術效率部份,整體產險業的傷害險經營技術有待提昇;規模效率部份,整體產險業的傷害險經營規模應擴大,以達固定規模報酬及對投入要素作有效率的運用;2.民國94年至97年間台灣產險業在傷害險經營跨期表現,整體呈現正成長趨勢,顯示我國產險業在傷害險經營上仍有許多成長空間;3.各家產險公司可依其本身在同業中之相對效率位置,擬定有效競爭策略,以提升其競爭能力。


The amount of demand for property insurances in Taiwan has been reducing since 2005 and this also means the market of the property insurances is in the growth recession. Except the unexpected increasing insurance claims for the catastrophes, that the income from the premiums can’t rise and the insurance claim can’t decline both influence the growth of the property insurance market in Taiwan seriously. Therefore, all the property insurance companies in Taiwan have to realize their own superiority and inferiority to adjust their companies to a better way to develop better. In the past, most studies about the property insurance companies in Taiwan had a focus on the assessment of the company efficiency. However, the study focuses on the operation of a single insurance – The Injury Insurance. It not only collects all the information and material for the operation of the injury insurance from 2005 to 2008 in Taiwan but also use Banker, Charnes, and Cooper (1984) of the BCC model and Fare et al (1992) Malmquist productivity index to measure the efficiency variation between the premiums and the claims as well as the injury risk management. The results showed: First, In Taiwan, the operation risk of the injury insurance is different in various insurance companies. The manipulation of investment and resources in the insurance industry still need improving. Especially, the operation of the injury insurance should be extended in order to reach a higher investment return rate. Second, the achievement of the injury insurance is a positive trend; it shows there is still a lot of space for the growth of the injury insurance. Last, each of the insurance companies has to realize its characters and makes a beneficial strategy to raise the superiority of the company.


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麥茹捷,2007。 「評估台灣壽險業與產險業經營績效-Metafrontier 模型之應用」,淡江大學保險研究所碩士論文。


