  • 學位論文


A Study on the Strategic Deployment of Patents and Its Applications for High-Tech Companies

指導教授 : 趙義隆


對高科技公司而言,專利的競爭已是商場競爭中重要的一部分,專利策略也是企業整體策略中不可或缺的一環。專利的策略佈局與運用既已成為所有稍具規模的高科技公司都需具備的能力,不論是採取攻擊性的專利權作為來謀求有形的利益,或是以防禦性的專利策略佈局來抵禦競爭對手可能的攻擊行動,運用得宜,才能維持或提升公司的競爭力,持續創造獲利。 本研究透過分析國內電視卡產業廠商採取策略型專利佈局並實際運用專利權來阻絕競爭者的案例,包括假扣押的執行、侵權訴訟與警告信函等,來探討專利策略佈局與運用對企業經營的影響,並進而對高科技公司的專利策略佈局與運用提出建議。 本研究發現,專利對高科技公司產生的價值,除了提升產品獨占力和獲利之外,還可能有形塑公司形象、確立產業內定位、強化供應商關係與顧客關係、品牌行銷和吸引人才的效果;「策略型專利」的佈局與運用,對企業而言,是投資報酬率高的做法;而專利的價值是透過專利的運用來體現,高科技公司除了積極投入研發並實施專利策略佈局之外,也應積極思考如何運用手中的專利,來實現其價值,並且從專利運用的實際案例和經驗中反思公司內部專利申請作業、研發方向與專利策略佈局,來持續提升公司專利的品質與價值。


Nowadays competition of patents has become an important part of the competition of business for high-tech companies. It is essential for such companies to be proficient in the strategic deployment of patents and its applications. In order to attain business competitiveness and to make profits sustainably, a high-tech firm has to employ its own patent rights either for financial gains or as a defensive measure to ward off potential patent threats from competition. By examining real business cases within PC TV tuner industry in Taiwan, it was demonstrated how a high-tech company could deploy a “strategic patent” and utilize the patent to block competition. The business cases included such applications of patents as provisional seizure, patent infringement litigation and warning letters. Subsequently, this study analyzed how performance of the companies and the PC TV tuner industry were influenced by these cases. And suggestions to high-tech companies on the stratic deployment of patents and its applications were given as the concluding remark. This study found that through applications of patents a high-tech company could not only overtake monopoly in specific product category for better profitability, but also shape company’s image, secure its own position within the industry, reinforce its relationships with suppliers and customers, achieve brand marketing effects and even attract talents. In addition, the deployment and applications of “strategic patents” is a relatively cost-effective approach for firms. Moreover, the value of patents could only be realized through their applications. Aside from investment on R&D and deployment of patents, a high-tech company should also make use of its patents actively. By reviewing how patents are utilized, the company would be able to reflect on and improve its internal patent filing practice, as well as to find more relevant directions for R&D and strategic deployment of new patents. As a result, both quality and value of the company’s patents will be augmented.


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